

14:33 Ticket #1082 (spatialite quickstart review comments.) closed by astrid_emde
fixed: This ticket is very old. Review was done already. * …
14:22 Ticket #1495 (Add ogr_fdw to Postgres examples) closed by astrid_emde
fixed: * Text is already merged. * …
13:50 Ticket #2262 (provide pgAdmin4 instead of pgAdmin III) created by astrid_emde
* version 14 alpha 2 contains pgadminIII from the repos * …


15:52 Ticket #2261 (LXTerminal menu path is wrong for some document) created by miurahr
On OSGeo-Live 13.0, LXTerminal menu is on `System Tools -> …
15:45 Ticket #2260 (istsos quickstart has a typo) created by miurahr
istsos quickstart has a typo follOwing : 'O' should small 'o'


07:57 Ticket #2258 (Unvalid link in actinia quickstart) closed by neteler
fixed: Thanks for catching this. The correct link nowadays is …


22:53 Ticket #2259 (tomcat9 dead at startup) created by darkblueb
[…] […] so, a funny thing happened in the boot sequence today …
03:25 Ticket #2258 (Unvalid link in actinia quickstart) created by bakaniko
This link is not working anymore (error 404) 6-days NDVI, MOD13C1, …


13:03 Ticket #2257 (write a quickstart on how to work on the command line) created by astrid_emde
* write a quickstart about the commands you should know if you work on …


07:10 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by mlennert


12:51 Ticket #1313 (dead links in html pages) closed by cvvergara
fixed: The past versions won't be modified


21:17 Ticket #2256 (python3-datacube needs cachetools) created by darkblueb
SETUP: base LUbuntu with osgeolive nightly PPA added ACTION: apt …


16:03 Ticket #982 (Upgrade sphinx environment to support linkcheck build goal) closed by cvvergara
fixed: I prepared actions based on the (last) commit message The commit …
11:45 OSGeoLive PSC edited by bakaniko
Retire Cameron Shorter from active PSC (diff)


02:29 Ticket #2255 (replacement of mapnik quickstart) created by kalxas
Since Tilestache is not going to be available in Focal, I am proposing …


09:42 Projects/Wishlist edited by kalxas
09:41 Projects/Wishlist edited by kalxas


12:54 How to document a project edited by bakaniko
12:54 How to configure a project documentation edited by bakaniko
06:05 Ticket #2254 ([translations] Actions & travis) closed by cvvergara
fixed: PR has been merged


12:06 Ticket #2205 (Update the Mapnik QuickStart) closed by cvvergara
fixed: Both PR have been merged, closing
12:04 Ticket #2194 (Update the cesium Quickstart) closed by cvvergara
fixed: The Changes have been merged, closing
07:01 Ticket #2254 ([translations] Actions & travis) created by cvvergara
Travis is taking around 16 minutes to check links in 4 languages Move …


13:49 Ticket #2253 (Document project wiki page exists in double) created by bakaniko
The page in the wiki to help document a project exists in 2 places: - …
13:43 How to configure a project documentation edited by bakaniko
13:42 How to configure a project documentation edited by bakaniko
13:38 How to document a project edited by bakaniko
13:31 Ticket #2252 (Typo in Sponsor page) created by bakaniko
There is this title in the sponsor page "OSGeoLive Sponsors kea" …
12:33 Ticket #2251 (Document if its only in vmdk) created by cvvergara
Add a note on the documentation of each project to indicate if it is …
09:48 Ticket #2250 (Installing tomcat breaks iso live session) closed by kalxas
07:08 Ticket #2250 (Installing tomcat breaks iso live session) created by kalxas
While reviewing the tomcat installer for OSGeoLive 14, I have noticed …


12:46 Projects/How_to_add your project edited by astrid_emde
12:45 Projects/How_to_add your project edited by astrid_emde
12:45 Projects/How_to_add your project edited by astrid_emde
12:44 Projects/How_to_add your project created by astrid_emde
12:36 Projects edited by astrid_emde


11:32 Ticket #2249 (initrd customization fails in Ubuntu 20.04) closed by kalxas


03:02 Ticket #2249 (initrd customization fails in Ubuntu 20.04) created by kalxas
While remastering the iso, this command […] throws an error […] …


07:01 Ticket #2248 (R 4.0 on Focal) created by darkblueb
OSGeoLive 2020 includes R v4, not the default 3x. details here


17:55 Ticket #2247 (Python and Jupyter) created by darkblueb
ubuntu focal 20.04 LTS LXQt Install python and jupyter from …


19:54 Ticket #2246 (Focal LXQt Desktop) created by darkblueb
the Ubuntu Universe packaging for core QGis components builds some …


13:36 WikiStart edited by astrid_emde
changed meeting time to 19 UTC (diff)


10:43 Ticket #2245 (QGIS error concerning user access rights and wrong QGIS Server url) created by astrid_emde
With QGIS (Desktop or Server), the location of the demo files is in …
10:31 Press Release 91 edited by astrid_emde


03:41 Release Schedule edited by astrid_emde


13:58 Press Release 91 edited by astrid_emde
13:57 Press Release 91 edited by astrid_emde
13:54 Press Release 91 created by astrid_emde
13:43 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde


13:42 Press Release 90 edited by astrid_emde
13:32 Press Release 90 edited by astrid_emde
13:29 Press Release 90 edited by astrid_emde


23:21 Ticket #2244 (Unused images) created by cvvergara
The following images are not used and can be removed - …
16:18 Ticket #2243 (presentation error) created by cvvergara
Error when building the presentation …
15:20 Ticket #2242 (toc files not used) created by cvvergara
toc files are not used anymore the table of contents is automatically …
15:06 Ticket #2241 (unused template) created by cvvergara
Currently we are not generating PDF of the documentation and this …
14:34 Ticket #2240 (Unused file about contributors) created by cvvergara
The file: contributors-transform-git.txt - Has not been used since …
13:53 Ticket #2239 (Unused directories) created by cvvergara
Unused directories - doc/MacInstallers - doc/WindowsInstallers Should …
13:29 Ticket #793 (Move documentation translations to Transifex) closed by cvvergara
fixed: We've been using transifex closing
13:26 Ticket #2185 (OSGeoLive 13.0 heading in docs say 12.0) closed by cvvergara
fixed: I went thru the 3 links I don't see the 12.0
13:18 Ticket #2237 (Download and save translated strings) closed by cvvergara
fixed: Done https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/releases/tag/13.0.1


00:34 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


23:48 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by eurojam
15:48 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by claas
15:45 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by claas
15:43 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by claas
11:36 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by pegip
11:36 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by pegip


06:26 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by eurojam
06:25 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by eurojam
06:14 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by eurojam


11:17 Press Release 89 edited by camerons
11:15 Press Release 89 edited by camerons
11:14 Press Release 89 edited by camerons
11:10 Press Release 89 edited by camerons


13:28 Press Release 89 edited by astrid_emde
13:26 Press Release 89 edited by astrid_emde


10:42 Press Release 90 edited by camerons


13:53 Press Release 90 edited by neteler
13:53 Press Release 90 edited by neteler
02:00 Press Release 90 edited by camerons
01:55 Press Release 90 edited by camerons


14:49 Press Release 90 edited by flicstar
Changes based on comments from Cameron (diff)


16:16 Press Release 90 edited by flicstar
16:15 Press Release 90 edited by flicstar
Tweaked wording (diff)
16:14 Press Releases edited by flicstar
Updated description for press release 90 (diff)
16:12 Press Release 90 created by flicstar
Create draft content


23:52 WikiStart edited by camerons


14:42 Press Release 89 edited by neteler
fix typos (diff)
14:18 Press Release 89 edited by camerons
Provided review (diff)


05:54 Press Release 89 edited by astrid_emde
05:34 Press Release 89 edited by astrid_emde
05:25 Press Release 89 created by astrid_emde
05:04 Press Releases edited by astrid_emde
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.