Version 3 (modified by 5 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
OSGeoLive archive is online!
The OSgeoLive team published an archive of OSGeoLive docs. It is now online at [1].
The archive provides an important historal record of geospatial development over the past 10 years.
It contains all OSGeoLive documuments from version 2.0 to the actual version 13.0.
With the archive all previous OSGeoLive documentation versions are available online and are also stored in source control.
The files are stored in a new repository at [2]
Seth Girvin came up with the idea of the archive and worked on it in 2019. It was a challenge to find older versions of OSGeoLive. Thanks a lot to Seth for the initiative. Thanks also to Cameron Shorter for the support, Angelos Tzozos for setting up the repo and Regina Obe from SAC for setting up the subdomain.
The ealiest version 1.0 files are missing. So the search continues for a copy of OSGeoLive v1.0 !
You are invited to travel into history to the beginning Version 2.0 [4] when OSGeoLive was called Arramagong Live DVD and only contained 18 software projects including GRASS GIS, Quantum QGIS, PostGIS, MapServer and GeoServer. It was provides via DVD at FOSS4G 2008 in Cape Town (South Africa).
##TODO include more nice stories about former Versions - f.e. Why 7pf9? any milestones? Statistics? Over 11.000 downloads of version 13.0 in the last 7 months. Version 12.0 over 21.000 downloads
About OSGeoLive
OSGeoLive [3] is a Lubuntu based distribution of Geospatial Open Source Software, available via a Live DVD, Virtual Machine and USB. You can use OSGeoLive to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything.
OSGeoLive team