

23:20 Ticket #1122 (Around 19.5 GB limitation) created by liam
I tried to install osgeo on 1GB RAM 10GB HARD VPS. VPS administrator …


22:30 Ticket #1120 (gpsbabel works only as root) created by micha
I see that trying to download data with gpsbabel from a garmin GPS …
16:02 Ticket #1119 (Broken Link: OSGeo-Live applications Presentation) created by kaurs
OSGeo-Live applications Presentation PDF from: …


04:13 Ticket #1111 (Mapbender on OSGeo-Live 6.5 does not load WMS - fix it by running update.sh) closed by astrid_emde
fixed: You can fix the bug by: […] Now - Mapbender database should be …
04:10 Ticket #1111 (Mapbender on OSGeo-Live 6.5 does not load WMS - fix it by running update.sh) created by astrid_emde
I noticed that Mapbender on OSGeo-Live 6.5 produces an error when …


11:05 Milestone OSGeoLive6.5 completed


01:46 Ticket #1106 (MapServer English Quickstart with Japanese characters) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed to be fixed by latest Adhoc build


01:35 Ticket #1093 (update installer versions and URLs) closed by kalxas
fixed: Hamish, chroot is not a big deal here since we removed the weird …


12:29 Ticket #1093 (update installer versions and URLs) reopened by kalxas
full iso still has problems with the proposed fix
06:10 Ticket #1107 (gvSIG throws a java error when trying to zoom in) created by kalxas
This crash happens only on the demo map, on the print preview window. …
03:55 Ticket #1106 (MapServer English Quickstart with Japanese characters) created by jsanchez
Just seen at: …
00:05 Ticket #1093 (update installer versions and URLs) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in [10028]
00:04 Ticket #1104 (live session user does not belong to users group on low end hardware) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed on build [10028]


12:04 Ticket #1104 (live session user does not belong to users group on low end hardware) created by kalxas
This occurs on my old netbook when I start GeoServer after boot. It …


05:09 Ticket #1103 (Some overviewes translated into Spanish with typing errors) created by rantolin
The next three overviewes, commited in changeset 9768, have typing …


12:04 Ticket #1102 (Top level links in Win/Mac Installers dir don't work) closed by camerons
fixed: (In [9996]) Fix #1102 Top level links in Win/Mac Installers dir don't work.


16:35 Ticket #1101 (osgeolive - OSGeo Software Help - link broken) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed and confirmed in [9982]
14:51 Ticket #1102 (Top level links in Win/Mac Installers dir don't work) created by camerons
In http://localhost/WindowsInstallers/index.html and …
12:02 Ticket #1092 (sync with osgeo.org sponsors page) closed by camerons
fixed: Updated sponsors, removed metaspatial, added 2nd quadrant.
10:49 Ticket #1101 (osgeolive - OSGeo Software Help - link broken) created by epifanio
both from the icon-launcher and from the menu : Geospatial -> OSGeo …
10:08 Ticket #1100 (gmt directories in /var/www) created by darkblueb
they seem to be documents and shell scripts, not web pages?
09:14 Ticket #1099 (pycsw quickstart screenshot outdated) created by darkblueb
.. shows an old desktop color …
08:46 Ticket #1098 (Kosmo ships old JTS lib) created by darkblueb
Internal to the Kosmo app, there is a Java Topology Suite .jar that is …


20:14 Ticket #1097 (translate navigation bar) created by hamish
Hi, we need to extract the navigation bar text: Home Contents …
12:29 Ticket #1090 (check persistence space left on 6.5 mini usb install) closed by kalxas
fixed: USB quickstart updated in [9904]
07:41 Ticket #736 (QGIS plugin bundle updates) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed in build [9894]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.