Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1909 Script for verify version installed vs quick start version new live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive11.0
#1989 OSGeoLive kinds of volunteers new live-demo@… task normal
#1990 Description of tasks (to make a release) new live-demo@… task normal
#1991 Kinds of contributions (external volunteers) new live-demo@… task normal
#2045 Contacts new live-demo@… task normal Unplanned
#2079 Halestudio application new osgeolive@… task normal
#2239 Unused directories assigned cvvergara task normal
#2240 Unused file about contributors assigned cvvergara task normal
#2241 unused template assigned cvvergara task normal
#2242 toc files not used assigned cvvergara task normal
#2244 Unused images assigned cvvergara task normal
#2251 Document if its only in vmdk new osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive17.0
#2343 Update version for documentation generation new osgeolive@… task normal
#2394 Test build documentation on windows new osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive17.0
#2433 Avoid DB names with upper case new osgeolive@… task normal
#2446 Adjust script to compress images new osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive17.0
#2456 Brand page missing new osgeolive@… task normal
#2459 52NorthWPS has been archived by owner new osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive17.0
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.