Opened 10 years ago
Closed 8 years ago
#1513 closed task (fixed)
Incubation Application: GeoNode
Reported by: | ortelius | Owned by: | ortelius |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | Unplanned |
Component: | Incubator | Keywords: | incubation, geonode, application |
Cc: |
Please provide the name and email address of the principal Project Owner.
GeoNode is Copyright owned by OpenPlans
Please provide the names and emails of co-project owners (if any).
Please provide the names, emails and entity affiliation of all official committers
Complete list is here
OSGeo Charter Members
- Andrea Aime
- Paolo Corti
- Simone Dalmasso
- Vivien Deparday
- Andreas Hocevar
- Chris Holmes
- Jeffrey Johnson
- Tom Kralidis
- Alex Mandel
- Ariel Nuñez
- Gabriel Roldán
- Tim Schaub
- Angelos Tzotsos
- Bart van den Eijnden
Please describe your Project.
GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data. The project aims to surpass existing spatial data infrastructure solutions by integrating robust social and cartographic tools . GeoNode is an Open Source, Content Management System (CMS) for geospatial data. It is a web-based application and platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI).
Why is hosting at OSGeo good for your project?
Improve visibility, usage and better integration within open geospatial community and tools. We plan to use the OSGeo facilities such as mailing list, download area, web site servers.
Type of application does this project represent(client, server, standalone, library, etc.)
Server and Client
Please describe any relationships to other open source projects.
At its core, GeoNode is based on open source components PostGIS, GeoServer, Django, pycsw, GeoNetwork and GeoExt that provide a platform for sophisticated web browser spatial visualization and analysis.
Atop this stack, the project uses GeoExplorer as map composer and viewer, tools for analysis, and reporting tools.
Please describe any relationships with commercial companies or products.
Initially the projects started by World Bank and OpenGeo under a contract, until version 1.0. At the same time, other organizations and companies started to contribute to the project. Today, the project is lead by a vibrant community.
Which open source license(s) will the source code be released under?
GeoNode is released under the GNU General Public License v3 and following versions
Is there already a beta or official release?
Yes, GeoNode is already at the second stable version (2.0) and the 2.4 beta is due to be released in July 2015
What is the origin of your project (commercial, experimental, thesis or other higher education, government, or some other source)?
It was originated to provide a web application to manage and disseminate spatial data in emergency context.
Does the project support open standards? Which ones and to what extent? (OGC, w3c, ect.)
As GeoNode is based on GeoServer, all OGC standards (WMS/WFS/WCS/WMTS etc) supported by GeoServer are supported by GeoNode
Has the software been certified to any standard (CITE for example)? If not, is it the intention of the project owners to seek certification at some point?
GeoNode is using PostGIS, GeoServer and pycsw to provide OGC services. All are OGC certified. In some case, those components are reference implementations of the standards involved.
Is the code free of patents, trademarks, and do you control the copyright?
The code is free of patents and the copyright is owned by the OpenPlans. We would like to transfer the copyright from OpenPlans to the OSGeo foundation as part of the incubation process.
How many people actively contribute (code, documentation, other?) to the project at this time?
Based on Ohloh and GitHub statistics ( &, the project has > 100 contributors.
How many people have commit access to the source code repository?
The number of the core committers is 28 (listed with GitHub usernames below)
- @scrollie Rolando Peñate
- @iwillig iwillig Ivan Willig
- @ingenieroariel ingenieroariel Ariel Núñez
- @ltucker ltucker Luke Tucker
- @sbenthall sbenthall Sebastian Benthall
- @dwins dwins David Winslow
- @groldan groldan Gabriel Roldan
- @ahocevar ahocevar Andreas Hocevar
- @jj0hns0n jj0hns0n Jeffrey Johnson
- @bartvde bartvde Bart van den Eijnden
- @tomkralidis tomkralidis Tom Kralidis
- @mbertrand mbertrand Matt Bertrand
- @matthewhanson matthewhanson Matthew Hanson
- @ischneider ischneider Ian Schneider
- @simod simod Simone Dalmasso
- @capooti capooti Paolo Corti
- @kalxas kalxas Angelos Tzotsos
- @mweisman mweisman Michael Weisman
- @ppasq ppasq Paolo Pasquali
- @cspanring cspanring Christian Spanring
- @garnertb garnertb Tyler Garner
- @vdeparday vdeparday Vivien Deparday
- @mwengren mwengren Micah Wengren
- @markiliffe markiliffe Mark Iliffe
- @jean jean Jean Jordaan
- @gamesbook gamesbookDerek Hohls
- @menegon menegon Stefano Menegon
- @nathanhilbert nathanhilbert Nathan Hilbert
Approximately how many users are currently using this project?
Currently there are around 450 people participating to the mailing lists
What type of users does your project attract (government, commercial, hobby, academic research, etc. )?
Government, Commercial, Hobby, Academic Research, International AID organizations.
If you do not intend to host any portion of this project using the OSGeo infrastructure, why should you be considered a member project of the OSGeo Foundation?
We plan to move parts of the project to the OSGeo infrastructure (Downloads, Website and Mailing List).
Does the project include an automated build and test?
Yes, GeoNode uses GitHub, Travis and Jenkins for automated builds and tests
What language(s) are used in this project? (C/Java/perl/etc)
Python, Javascript
What is the dominant written language (i.e. English, French, Spanish, German, etc) of the core developers?
English (with a large contingent of Italian developers)
What is the (estimated) size of a full release of this project? How many users do you expect to download the project when it is released?
The source code is approximately 15 MB
To add, under Does the project support open standards? Which ones and to what extent? (OGC, w3c, etc.), GeoNode also supports CSW, OpenSearch and OAI-PMH