
Version 1 (modified by neteler, 15 years ago) ( diff )

stub page added

GRASS GIS 6.4.0RC4 Release


Overview of changes since 6.3.0

For changes between 6.2.3 and 6.3.0, see the 6.3.0 release announcement. Since the 6.3.0 release in April 2008, more than 1500 source code modifications have been done in the 6.4.0 release branch.

New modules

Major module changes

Minor module changes

Library changes

Driver changes

  • see also RC4 release notes

GUI changes

  • see also RC4 release notes

Portability changes

Build changes

Documentation updates

  • see also RC4 release notes

Message translation updates

Closed tickets

  • v.clean: creates polygons instead of holes (trac #397) (Markus Metz)

SVN Source Code

  • SVN Checkout 6.4.0 release branch:
      svn checkout
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