
Version 24 (modified by annakrat, 4 months ago) ( diff )

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Motions of the GRASS Project Steering Committee

See also: PSC Agenda.

Motions of 2023

  • Approve and adopt RFC: Version Numbering (5 Jun 2023)
  • Approve and adopt RFC: Python Language Support (5 Jun 2023)
  • Approve Linda's student grant final report (16 Mar 2023)
  • Appoint Markus Neteler as new treasurer (19 Jan 2023)

Motions of 2022

  • Approve Linda's proposal for GRASS mini grant (19 Nov 2022)
  • Approve final report of Caitlin Haedrich's mini grant (30 Apr 2022)
  • Approve final report of Linda Kladivova's mini grant (10 Mar 2022)
  • Approve mini grant for Caitlin Haedrich (6 Jan 2022)

Motions of 2021

  • Approve mini grant for Linda Kladivova (21 Dec 2021)
  • RFC 7: Language Standards Support (approved, 29 Mar 2021)
  • Approving of Veronica Andreo as GRASS GIS PSC chair (approved, 3 Feb 2021) - See minutes Feb 3, 2021
  • PSC mandates will last 6 years with 1/2 of PSC elected every 3 years (approved, 3 Feb 2021)
  • PSC roles and tasks will be also renewed every 3 years (approved, 3 Feb 2021)
  • When a PSC member steps down, s/he might be replaced by the next person in the previous election results ranking (approved, 3 Feb 2021)

Motions of 2020

  • Elections 2020
  • GitHub write access to Nicklas Larsson as a new core developer (granted, 24 Dec 2020)
  • GitHub write access to Tomáš Zigo as a new core developer (granted, 29 Nov 2020)
  • Second payment for new GRASS GIS Hugo based web site (approved, 1 Oct 2020)
  • First payment for new GRASS GIS Hugo based web site (approved, 25 Feb 2020)
  • Prague 2019 Community Sprint Reimbursements (approved, 14 Jan 2020)

Motions of 2019

  • Stickers for FOSS4G in Bucharest (approved, 5 Jul 2019)
  • Migrate SVN and trac tickets to GitHub under OSGeo organization (RFC 6) (approved, 22 Apr 2019)
  • SVN write access to Ondřej Pešek as a new core developer (granted, 26 Jan 2019)

Motions of 2018

  • SVN write access to Stefan Blumentrath as a new core developer (granted, 30 Jan 2018)

Motions of 2017

Motions of 2016

  • approving of Markus Neteler as GRASS GIS PSC chair (approved, 19 Sep 2016)
  • Election 2016

Motions of 2014

  • SVN write access to Margherita Di Leo (granted, 6 Apr 2014)

Motions of 2013

  • SVN write access to Štěpán Turek (granted, 14 Feb 2013)

Further discussions/decisions:

  • GRASS GIS - 30th birthday upcoming! MN is in contact with Jim Westervelt to identify the "precise" date. So we want to celebrate that all over the globe :) And on other planets, too, since we support extraterrestrial coordinate systems.
  • Revisit the license of the Web pages and manual pages. It may be appropriate to change to a Creative Commons license which are widely accepted now.
  • Moritz Lennert suggests: have some reflection on release strategy and notably GRASS 7 release. Maybe we could at least envisage some form of technology preview release that would allow us to where we stand.

Motions of 2012

Motions of 2011

  • SVN write access to Luca Delucchi (granted, 28 Jun 2011)
  • SVN write access to Anna Kratochvílová (granted, 1 Jun 2011)

Motions of 2010

  • SVN write access to Helmut Kudrnovsky (granted, 23 Jan 2010)
  • SVN write access to Anne Ghisla (granted, 5 Jan 2010)

Motions of 2009

  • SVN write access to Colin Nielsen (3 Sep 2009)
  • SVN write access to Markus Metz (14 Jan 2009)

Motions of 2008

  • SVN write access to Yann Chemin (granted, 12 Sep 2008)
  • Registering GRASS at portal (approved Aug 2008)
  • SVN write access to Laura Toma (granted, 11 Aug 2008)
  • SVN write access to Marco Pasetti (granted, 19 May 2008)
  • SVN write access to Maris Nartiss (granted, 12 Apr 2008)
  • OSGeo incubator graduation of GRASS approved by OSGeo board (8 Feb 2008)
  • SVN write access to Ivan Shmakov (granted, 6 Feb 2008)

Motions of 2007

  • SVN write access to Eric Patton as documentation manager (granted, 24 Nov 2007)
  • Motion to migrate CVS/bugtracker to OSGeo (passed, 22 Oct 2007)
  • CVS write access to P. Marcondes for PT translations (granted, 2 June 2007)
  • RFC 1: Project Steering Committee Guidelines (adopted 6 April 2007)

Motions of 2006

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