
GeoPrisma 1.0 Release Plan

This purpose of this page was to list the widgets and features that are going to be packaged as GeoPrisma version 1.0 official release, which came out on December 1st, 2011.


  • Tickets :
    • (done, adube) mark all tickets required for 1.0
    • (done, adube) mark all tickets required in a mid-future for 1.2 (the next release)
    • (done, adube) close all unresolvable tickets
    • (done, adube) mark the others for "future"
  • Milestone association review
  • Widgets
    • (done) validate the wishlists below
    • (done) validate the excluded/deprecated/removed lists below
    • (done) do all the work required for the widgets in the "wishlists" below marked as "need more work"

Widget wishlist - Borealis

The following widgets are ready for the release :

  • geoextprintform
    • #305, print resolution
  • geoexttoolbar
  • geoextux_layertreebuilder
  • geoextux_zoomto
  • getmouseposition
  • initialview
  • layer
  • mappanel
  • mouseposition
  • querybyrect
  • queryonclick
  • resultextgrid
  • scale
  • shortcut
  • toggle
  • unselectall
  • zoomslider

More widget wishlist - Nippour

The following widgets are ready for the release :

  • featurepanel_selector
  • geoextux_redliningpanel
  • geoextux_shortcutcombo
  • htwindow
  • queryonclickwizard
  • resultvectorlayer
  • vectorlayer

Widget excluded/deprecated/removed

All the following widgets won't be part of the release.

  • excluded : keep the widget in trunk, but exclude it from the 1.0 release (become candidates for 1.2) :
    • editfeature_confirm
    • editfeature_drag
    • editfeature_copy
    • editfeature_create
    • editfeature_update
    • featurepanel_customform
    • attributefilterpanel
    • filetreepanel
    • geoextux_printpreview
      • #227, OpenLayers vector layer cloning methods need to be fixed
    • featurepanel_attributeform
    • featurepanel_form
    • editfeature_delete
    • editfeature_split
    • geoextux_wmsbrowser
    • geoextux_geonamessearchcombo
    • keepactivesession
    • wfsfileopener
    • measuretool
      • #292, re-creation proposal (tickets related to the original widget are included in this one)
    • pdfprint
      • this widget is used in prod environments, but could be remade to include just the popup to select the paper sizes and a title and use the MapFishPrint service.
      • #304, re-creation proposal (tickets related to the original widget are included in this one)
    • templatepopup
    • wfsfilterbuilder
    • wmslayeradder
  • deprecated : keep the widget in trunk, exclude it from 1.0 release and it as 'deprecated' (should no longer be used) :
    • map
    • mapfishlayertree
    • mapfishrecenter
  • removal : remove the widget source from trunk :
    • legendpanel
    • merge
    • split
    • quickzoom
    • toolbar
    • popup
    • delegatefeature
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Dec 6, 2011, 11:12:23 AM
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