
GeoPrisma 1.6 Release Plan

This purpose of this page is to list the main tasks required for GeoPrisma version 1.6 release.

Main objectives

  • Upgrade OpenLayers to 2.12 (#460, #257)
  • Enhance the print widget (#449, #450, #451, #452, #453, #454, #457)
  • Print widget bug fixes (#455)
  • WMS layer using POST for long request urls (#461)
  • OverviewMap new widget (#462)
  • Coordinates options, have the possibility to reverse them and use Longitude, Latitude instead of X, Y (#458, #459, #465)


Here's the tickets that BIS want solved for the 1.6.0 milestone : bis-1.6.0.

1.6 Release Notes (Preview)

Supported Browsers

GeoPrisma has been tested and fully supports the following browsers :

  • Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9
  • Firefox 3.6+

Other browsers were not tested so can't be qualified as fully supported.

Supported JavaScript Libraries

The following libraries (version) are packaged with GeoPrisma 1.6 :

  • OpenLayers (2.12-rc7, updated)
  • Proj4js (1.0.1)
  • MapFish (trunk, revision 3862)
  • GeoExt (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-AttributeFilterPanel (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-FeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-LayerManager (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-LayerTreeBuilder (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-ShortcutCombo (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-Styler (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-WFSTFeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865)
  • GeoExt-ux-WMSBrowser (trunk, revision 2883)
  • GeoExt-ux-ZoomTo (trunk, revision 2882)

The following libraries (version) were tested with GeoPrisma 1.6 :

  • ExtJS (3.4.0)


The following softwares can be safely used with this release of GeoPrisma as its services :

Tile providers

The following tile providers are supported by this release of GeoPrisma as "gymo" services :

  • GoogleMaps (3.5+)
  • OpenStreetMaps

The following tile providers are deprecated in this release of GeoPrisma :

  • YahooMaps (deprecated)


Widgets that are new or received big or important updates have a notice in parenthesis.


  • api
  • applyfilter
  • featurepanel_selector
  • geoextprintform (updated)
  • geoexttoolbar
  • geoextux_layertreebuilder
  • geoextux_redliningpanel
  • geoextux_shortcutcombo
  • geoextux_zoomto
  • getmouseposition
  • htwindow
  • initialview
  • layer
  • mappanel
  • measuretool
  • mouseposition
  • querybyrect
  • queryonclick
  • queryonclickwizard
  • resultextgrid
  • resultvectorlayer
  • scale
  • shortcut
  • toggle
  • unselectall
  • vectorlayer
  • zoomslider


  • attributefilterpanel
  • editfeature_confirm
  • editfeature_copy
  • editfeature_create
  • editfeature_delete
  • editfeature_drag
  • editfeature_update
  • editfeature_split
  • filetreepanel
  • featurepanel_customform
  • featurepanel_attributeform
  • featurepanel_form
  • geoextux_printpreview
  • geoextux_wmsbrowser
  • geoextux_geonamessearchcombo
  • keepactivesession
  • pdfprint
  • templatepopup
  • wfsfilterbuilder


  • map
  • mapfishlayertree
  • mapfishrecenter
  • wmslayeradder

Migration Guide : GeoPrisma 1.4 to 1.6

  • OpenLayers 2.11 is not longer supported. If you do not use GeoPrisma included libraries, you need to upgrade to OpenLayers 2.12-rc7.
  • Lots of new features were added to the GeoExtPrintForm widgets. In order for them to work properly, you need to have a MapFishPrint config.yaml including the following blocks. See to learn more.
    • mapTitle
    • mapSubTitle
    • comments
    • legends
    • map with overviewMap set
  • New widgets in this release : OverviewMap. Make sure to add them to your .xslt template files.

Other notes

  • OpenLayers 2.12-rc7 is now used, which has many files that were deprecated and moved to a single deprecated.js file inside its lib directory. This file is included when using the printAllLibSources with pVersion parameter equal to 'deprecated'.
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Jul 5, 2012, 7:40:55 AM
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