Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#100 closed task (worksforme)

Gallery and Demos

Reported by: markvolzlyoncounty Owned by: EliL
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: Docs Version:
Keywords: Cc:


It seems that the link to the gallery has been pushed into the wiki. I think that GeoMOOSE will be better promoted if there is a link to the gallery within the "live demos" page as most potential new users will not look through the wiki to see examples of GeoMOOSE in action*.

*This is of course beyond the standard "county demo" page

The demos in is different from the demo in

Change History (2)

comment:1 by EliL, 13 years ago

Status: newkibbitz

The gallery is on the wiki so that any user can add links to their pages. There is a link to it on the main page,

The live demo is primarily for a quick reliable demonstration of GeoMoose and a reference for tickets. I think a little space is kept from the gallery since they are all domains that are controlled by other people and likely not all current or have errors that can only be addressed by the owners of the sites.

Demos are in a state of flux now. I think that the plan is to continue to host trunk on the website and have Houston host the most recent stable release and link to both of those from the "Live Demos" page.

The wiki in general needs a lot of removal of redundant information and moving to the website of other information. If you want to help on that, I can help you set up sphinx and other needed items.

comment:2 by markvolzlyoncounty, 13 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: kibbitzclosed

My apologizes on this ticket. I didn’t realize there was a link to the gallery on the main page (It has been moved down quite a bit). I was just always use to accessing the demos by clicking the link for Gallery at the top of

I mostly wanted to make sure that someone knew this link was missing in the trunk documentation. If this was removal was intentional you can close the ticket.

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