Opened 18 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#1266 closed defect (wontfix)

SetFeature command causing PHP Interpreter error in Win XP IE Browser — at Version 2

Reported by: crane_ba@… Owned by: Daniel Morissette
Priority: highest Milestone:
Component: default Version: unspecified
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: crane_ba@…

Description (last modified by Even Rouault)

<<<***Please note, I have emailed a zip file containing my test data, php file, error screenshots and this description to Daniel Morissette. He has requested I assign this bug to him to investigate-The assign to and CC field won't let me add his name so it's defaulted to (apologies for any inconvenience caused)***>>>

PHP OGR Error: PHP Interpreter crashes when using GetFeature and SetFeature

The program (test_a_writeshp.php) is designed to do the following:

1.	Load a shp file
2.	Go to a specific feature and re-write the content to some random string 
3.	It then should list (in table format) all the columns and data contained within the shapefile AFTER the SetFeature re-write

The program is merely a test to ensure that I can write to an open shp file.

The error:

When I run the php file (test_a_writeshp.php), the browser loads, it then loads for about 2/3 seconds and then the error message (see Pic001.bmp) pops up. If I select Don’t Send when prompted about informing Microsoft, the page then loads normally showing the altered feature (so the code is successfully completing the request). If I ask for more information about this error, I get the following message from the browser (Please see Pic002.bmp)

It appears to do everything expected of it, the only issue is that it seems to think it’s crashing but then continue processing as per normal. This issue I want to raise is why the error message (Pic001.bmp) is cropping up in the first place.

Additional Information:

The first edition of this program was to replace all the features in a specific column. There were no errors when I did this and it worked perfectly. It is only when I try to rewrite a specific feature does the error occur.

If I comment out the SetFeature command (line 70 in the php file) then the program works perfectly. Also, if I don’t use the GetFeature command (line 68) and use the SetFeature command within the While statement (line 72) then all the features, in all the rows under the specific column, get replaced without any errors. It seems to be the combination of both that is causing a problem.

I hope I’ve explained this clearly. If not, please don’t hesitate to contact me for any further information. I hope you will be able to replicate this error or better yet, see some error in my code which accounts for this.

Thank you,

Ben Crane

Change History (4)

by crane_ba@…, 18 years ago

Attachment: PHPOGR added

Contains test data, php code, error description, error screenshots

comment:1 by Daniel Morissette, 18 years ago

Taking this bug

by Daniel Morissette, 18 years ago

Attachment: bug1266.html added

Output that I get from the test program

comment:2 by Even Rouault, 10 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

PHP bindings have no maintener

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