Opened 11 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#37 closed enhancement (invalid)

MapServer Oracle Plugin has some issues

Reported by: aboudreault Owned by: jlarouche@…
Component: General Severity: important
Keywords: Cc: smercier


Following the tutorial,

  1. when using sudo, the ORACLE_HOME variable is lost.
  2. We see this shell error: /usr/bin/mapserver-oracle-build: 50: [: Illegal number: yes (-eq, -ne is for integers)
  3. Doesn't support Oracle 12.1: configure: error: Oracle Spatial: not found.

Version 12.1 only install configure: error: Oracle Spatial:, and the include files of the 12.1 package are in 11.2/client. (damn Oracle, maybe this should just be documented)

  1. Even with error, we see a successful message:
    checking if OracleSpatial support requested... configure: error: ORACLE_HOME variable is not properly set
    Use "CONNECTIONTYPE plugin" with PLUGIN "/usr/lib/msplugins/"  in your mapfile to use this plugin
  1. There is a cp done on the file, and you try a chown on

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Apparently nobody handles Trac tickets any more, closing this ancient issue.

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