Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#35 closed defect (fixed)

Missing functionality in GDAL Tools

Reported by: micha Owned by: ubuntu@…
Component: QGIS Severity: critical
Keywords: GDAL Tools clipper contour Cc:


It seems that two Raster menu functions have disappeared in some recent update to QGIS 1.8.

1- The GDAL Tools menu option "Extraction" should have both "Clipper" and "Contour". Now I see only the Clipper. The contour tool has disappeared.
2- The "Clipper" tool should have in the dialog box an option to choose a vector mask layer (the -cutline option to gdalwarp) rather than clipping by X-Y extents. This also has disappeared.

Both of the above functions appear correctly in the latest OSGeo4W binary and in the current debian package, so they are definitely a packaging issue. The options are missing in the current package for Ubuntu 12.04, at least.

I assume the above problems are "collateral damage" due to the update to GDAL 1.10? Any way to fix this for 1.8.0 ??

Change History (3)

comment:1 by micha, 12 years ago

After another look, I see the whole "Analysis" menu is gone also!

comment:2 by jlarouche, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in the new QGIS package.

comment:3 by micha, 12 years ago

Many thanks

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