Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#918 closed defect (worksforme)

Incorrect display of Raster

Reported by: yjacolin Owned by: ersts
Priority: minor: annoyance Milestone:
Component: Rasters Version: Trunk
Keywords: raster, tile, blank line Cc: yjacolin@…
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: Mandriva
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: yes


When displaying several raster tiles some blanck lines appear in the map windows. These blank lines appear only when we click on the "zoom to map extent of the map" tool. If we use the "drag and drop zoom in" tool, no blank line appear.

Note, that some tile are shown with different color. Here is a screenshot :

Change History (4)

comment:1 by ersts, 16 years ago

Awaiting user input: set
Owner: changed from nobody to ersts


Could you provide a little more information regarding the data you are using?

Q - What data type are each tile? geotiff, IMG, etc.

Q - What projection are these data in?

Q - Approximately what is the size pixel dim and file size of each tile?

Q - If you load only two adjacent tiles (that have a blank band between them in the screen shot you provided) do you still experience the same result?

Q - Is the data you are using freely accessible, if so could you provide a link to that data provider or a sample of two adjacent tiles that have a blank band in between them?

Regarding the tiles appear a little red/pink, there is no histogram matching between images, so it is likely there are just some slight differences in contrast enhancement because of the way the initial min max are being estimated on initial loading. If you modify the contrast by hand or even try to "load min max from band" I am certain they will match more closely.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by yjacolin, 16 years ago

Hi erts,

Q - What data type are each tile? geotiff, IMG, etc.

The format is ECW.

Q - What projection are these data in?

The projection is lambert 2 étendue (EPSG: 27572)

Q - Approximately what is the size pixel dim and file size of each tile?

File size: 320 Mo to 35 Mo par tuile, Size is 10000, 10000 px

Q - If you load only two adjacent tiles (that have a blank band between them in the screen shot you provided) do you still experience the same result?

Yes, I do, while with four tiles I have not this problem.

Q - Is the data you are using freely accessible, if so could you provide a link to that data provider or a sample of two adjacent tiles that have a blank band in between them?

Sorry, the files are not freely available :(

Regarding the tiles appear a little red/pink, there is no histogram matching between images, so it is likely there are just some slight differences in contrast enhancement because of the way the initial min max are being estimated on initial loading. If you modify the contrast by hand or even try to "load min max from band" I am certain they will match more closely.

Your are right, this option corrected the difference. Thanks.


comment:3 by jef, 16 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Looks like this is resolved. Feel free to reopen

comment:4 by (none), 15 years ago

Milestone: Version 0.9.2

Milestone Version 0.9.2 deleted

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