Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#3500 closed bug (fixed)

fTools: unsufficient field width for Area and Perimeter fields

Reported by: enrico80 Owned by: alexbruy
Priority: major: does not work as expected Milestone: Version 1.7.0
Component: fTools Version: Trunk
Keywords: ftools, export/add geometry column Cc:
Must Fix for Release: Yes Platform: All
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


Hi, I try to calculate area with ftools add geometry column. I have noted that in automatic new field “AREA” have this properties type=real lenght=10 > precision=6, this involve an error, some numbers are lost, because the Area number have lenght>10. Example: if I calculate Piedmont area with Ftools obtain 2539107283 if I calculate the same Area , add new column (type real lenght=20 precision=5) and use calc field ($area) I obtain 25391072834.9971.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by enrico80, 13 years ago

Platform: DebianWindows

comment:2 by enrico80, 13 years ago

Version: 1.6.0

comment:3 by borysiasty, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from borysiasty to cfarmer

comment:4 by lutra, 13 years ago

Must Fix for Release: NoYes
Platform: WindowsAll
Version: 1.6.0Trunk

it happens also under linux/trunk

comment:5 by borysiasty, 13 years ago

Component: Python plugins and bindingsfTools

comment:6 by alexbruy, 13 years ago

Keywords: export/add geometry column added
Owner: changed from cfarmer to alexbruy
Status: newassigned
Summary: FTOOLS Calculate Area errorfTools: unsufficient field width for Area and Perimeter fields

comment:7 by alexbruy, 13 years ago

Well, I extend field width for AREA, PERIMETER, XCOORD and YCOORD in r15739.

But I think it is better to allow users select desired field width and precision. Unfortunately now we are in string and feature freeze, so I'll add this after 1.7

comment:8 by alexbruy, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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