Opened 13 years ago

#3269 new enhancement

SVG symbols - possibility to change color

Reported by: pinux Owned by: nobody
Priority: minor: annoyance Milestone: Version 1.7.0
Component: Symbology Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: All
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


I think that it would be awesome to have the possibility to change the fill of the symbol. To explain my idea let's assume that I have a map with points that represents a good/bad (blue/red in term of colors) situation. If I want to choose a SVG symbol to represent my points I have to open the symbol that I chosen in inkscape and make 2 version one red and one blue. Let's assume that it is possible to change the color for all the symbols that have only one color (like the black ones), it would be easier to have the same symbol in two different colors.

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