Opened 13 years ago

#3249 new enhancement

SVG marker selection by user

Reported by: jtornero Owned by: nobody
Priority: major: does not work as expected Milestone: Version 1.7.0
Component: Symbology Version: 1.6.0
Keywords: symbology, svg marker, file choose Cc:
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: SuSE
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


It would be nice if the user could select a svg file for using as a marker, apart from the default markers provided with Qgis. This gives the user the chance of use complex graphics (i.e. complex charts made with matplotlib) as marker and even simulate the diagram overlay feature of qgis but with more good looking bar charts and pie charts.

Nowadays a little hack can be done just adding to Qgis' svg folder the svg files that you want as marker, but unfortunately the name of the file could not be seen in the preview of the marker, so if you want to use a marker for a determinate point, for instance, if you want to mark several mines with a bar chart summarizing their coal production individually, you couldn't tell which svg correspond to which mine, because of the size of the svg preview.

So, my wish focus on a) adding a 'open file' dialog to the marker selection dialog or b) at least showing the name of the file of each svg in the preview (maybe it could be as simple as just a little popup with the name and path of each marker when the mouse is over it)

Thank you very much for your work

Best regards

Jorge Tornero

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