Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2970 closed enhancement (fixed)

Unify query builders

Reported by: Alister Owned by: nobody
Priority: minor: annoyance Milestone: Version 1.6.0
Component: Build/Install Version: Trunk
Keywords: Search query builder Cc:
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: All
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


Queries are currently case sensitive e.g. if you search for CNAME = 'Massey' it won't find objects with CNAME = 'MASSEY'

It would be good if query's could be case insensitive instead. This could perhaps be optional, although I imagine most people would prefer the option on most of the time :)

Change History (7)

comment:1 by borysiasty, 14 years ago

Summary: Allow case insensitive queriesUnify query builders

Use a common query builder for filtering layer features and selecting features. I.e. add Save/Load button to the former and ILIKE button to the latter.

in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by jef, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

added lower() and upper() in r14154. You can use upper(CNAME)='MASSEY' now (just like in postgres or spatialite).

Replying to borysiasty:

Use a common query builder for filtering layer features and selecting features. I.e. add Save/Load button to the former and ILIKE button to the latter.

The queries are implemented differently. The search query builder uses the internal search string processor and operates independently from the provider.

The "normal" query builder sets the layers subset string and operates on provider level.

comment:3 by borysiasty, 14 years ago

I'm just proposing to add the ILIKE functionality to the search query builder. The upper(CNAME) LIKE 'MASS%' is a bit inconvenient. Is there any reason to not keeping such ticket open?

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by jef, 14 years ago

Replying to borysiasty:

I'm just proposing to add the ILIKE functionality to the search query builder. The upper(CNAME) LIKE 'MASS%' is a bit inconvenient. Is there any reason to not keeping such ticket open?

You just changed the description while I was busy fixing it - the original bug.

ILIKE, IN and NOT IN added in r14156. Therefore some disabled buttons could be enabled.

comment:5 by borysiasty, 14 years ago

Thanks! It's perfect now :)

in reply to:  2 ; comment:6 by Alister, 14 years ago

Thanks, that sounds good.

Replying to jef:

The queries are implemented differently. The search query builder uses the internal search string processor and operates independently from the provider.

The "normal" query builder sets the layers subset string and operates on provider level.

What does this actually mean? Are the capabilities of the "normal" query builder different depending on the provider?

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by jef, 14 years ago

Replying to Alister:

The "normal" query builder sets the layers subset string and operates on provider level.

What does this actually mean? Are the capabilities of the "normal" query builder different depending on the provider?

Yes. You can enter whatever queries the provider supports (eg. rather complex where clauses for the postgis or spatialite case).

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