Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#2741 closed bug (fixed)

(linux) qgis crashes when saving project with a GRASS raster

Reported by: lutra Owned by: rblazek
Priority: critical: causes crash or data corruption Milestone: Version 1.5.0
Component: GRASS Version: Trunk
Keywords: Cc: pcav
Must Fix for Release: Yes Platform: Debian
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


Probably duplicate of #2740

Seen under ubuntu Linux and qgis trunk but not under windows XP

Steps to reproduce:

*) create a mapset (tested with a few projected crs)

*) in the qgis project properties choose the same crs. Not necessary to enable on the fly reprojection as in #2740

*) add a few GRASS layers, at least one of them a raster

*) if you save the project with the mapset still open the terminal will return

Warning: Object::connect: No such signal QgsRasterDataProvider::statusChanged( QString ) in /home/gio/qgis_unstable/src/core/raster/qgsrasterlayer.cpp:228

*) if before saving you close the GRASS mapset, then qgis will crash with

	GDAL Error 6: No translation an empty SRS to PROJ.4 format is known.
Segmentation fault

*) if you then try to reopen the project it will fail with

Project file read error: unexpected end of file at line 1 column 1 for file /home/gio/Desktop/teste4.qgs

Change History (2)

comment:1 by lutra, 14 years ago

Summary: (linux) qgis crashes when saving project with a GRASS raster after having closed the mapset(linux) qgis crashes when saving project with a GRASS raster

After all it doesn't seems to be related if you close or not the mapset.

When you save it doesn't crash only during the session where the project was created and saved the first time.

When you close qgis, then reopen the project it will crash on save even with the mapset open. The message is the same.

It is confirmed that is not necessary to have enabled the reprojection.

comment:2 by lutra, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Apparently this bug is gone in recent revisions.

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