Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1930 closed bug (worksforme)

OSM layer has missing road

Reported by: Barryrowlingson Owned by: timlinux
Priority: major: does not work as expected Milestone:
Component: C++ Plugins Version: 1.3.0
Keywords: Cc:
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: Linux
Platform Version: Awaiting user input: no


The OSM plugin seems to have missed a road in Lancaster. It's a roundabout. I can't get home if it's not there :)

It's in the OSM database because I have an OSM layer created from a shapefile created from an OSM XML download. If I overlay the OSM plugin layer with my OSM road layer I can see the differences.

The road (a small roundabotu) has ID 4433904 and is in the middle of this extent:

-2.8009466531995262,54.0375107844377069 : -2.7921223330258362,54.0461022729445446

here's the rest of its non-null attributes taken from the shapefile converted from OSM XML data:

abutters: NULL created_by: JOSM highway: primary id: 4433904 junction: roundabout lanes: 0 layer: 0 maxspeed: 0 maxweight: 0 ncn_ref: 0 osm_id: 4433904 ref: A6

Am using qgis 1.3.0 from the ubuntu-unstable repos.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by pcav, 15 years ago

Component: VectorsC++ Plugins
Owner: changed from nobody to timlinux

comment:2 by wonder, 15 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Hi Barry

I can see that roundabout. It's in the 'polygons' layer and not in the 'lines' layer as you probably expected. The reason is that all closed ways are considered as polygons. There doesn't seem to be a clear way how to distinguish line features which are represented as closed ways and polygon features (except for defining the exceptions like roundabouts).

I'm closing this, reopen if you still have a problem.

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