
Version 21 (modified by robe, 14 years ago) ( diff )

PostGIS Tutorials some complete with data

PostGIS database sandbox and tutorials Provides step by step interactive tutorial for experimenting with PostGIS Spatial SQL in a database sandbox. You can also type in spatial SQL statements you find in the PostGIS manual and see them rendered on a map.

Tips for the PostGIS Power User (FOSS4G 2010 - Paul Ramsey)

Almost Idiot's Guide to PostGIS (last update for PostGIS 1.5) (2010)

Spatial database tips and tricks Covers PostGIS , SQL server 2008 Spatial and Oracle but focus on PostGIS

Integrating PostGIS in Web Applications (PG Con East 2010 - Leo hsu and Regina Obe)

This covered using OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap Layers, brief intro to GeoExt, setting up Mapserver and GeoServer as OGC WFS/WMS services. Reverse proxy for ASP.NET that can be used for any kind of WMS/WFS server (VB.NET, C#). Roll your own solution using PostGIS ST_AsKML, ST_AsGeoJSON functions.

PGCon 2009 Spatial Analysis PostGIS (2009)

OpenGeo GeoStack includes GeoServer starter guide and installing PostGIS (2009)

Introduction to PostGIS (2009) (2009)

Foss4G 2007 Introduction to PostGIS (2007)


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