Nearest Neighbor Search ¶
Describe Nearest Neighbor Search here. These are helper functions for finding nearest neighbors to a given geometry.
Examples of how to use these and more detailed description can be found here
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION expandoverlap_metric(a geometry, b geometry, maxe double precision, maxslice double precision) RETURNS integer AS $BODY$ BEGIN FOR i IN 0..maxslice LOOP IF expand(a,maxe*i/maxslice) && b THEN RETURN i; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN 99999999; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE; CREATE TYPE pgis_nn AS (nn_gid integer, nn_dist numeric(16,5)); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _pgis_fn_nn(geom1 geometry, distguess double precision, numnn integer, maxslices integer, lookupset varchar(150), swhere varchar(5000), sgid2field varchar(100), sgeom2field varchar(100)) RETURNS SETOF pgis_nn AS $BODY$ DECLARE strsql text; rec pgis_nn; ncollected integer; it integer; --NOTE: it: the iteration we are currently at --start at the bounding box of the object (expand 0) and move up until it has collected more objects than we need or it = maxslices whichever event happens first BEGIN ncollected := 0; it := 0; WHILE ncollected < numnn AND it <= maxslices LOOP strsql := 'SELECT currentit.' || sgid2field || ', distance(ref.geom, currentit.' || sgeom2field || ') as dist FROM ' || lookupset || ' as currentit, (SELECT geometry(''' || CAST(geom1 As text) || ''') As geom) As ref WHERE ' || swhere || ' AND distance(ref.geom, currentit.' || sgeom2field || ') <= ' || CAST(distguess As varchar(200)) || ' AND expand(ref.geom, ' || CAST(distguess*it/maxslices As varchar(100)) || ') && currentit.' || sgeom2field || ' AND expandoverlap_metric(ref.geom, currentit.' || sgeom2field || ', ' || CAST(distguess As varchar(200)) || ', ' || CAST(maxslices As varchar(200)) || ') = ' || CAST(it As varchar(100)) || ' ORDER BY distance(ref.geom, currentit.' || sgeom2field || ') LIMIT ' || CAST((numnn - ncollected) As varchar(200)); --RAISE NOTICE 'sql: %', strsql; FOR rec in EXECUTE (strsql) LOOP IF ncollected < numnn THEN ncollected := ncollected + 1; RETURN NEXT rec; ELSE EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; it := it + 1; END LOOP; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgis_fn_nn(geom1 geometry, distguess double precision, numnn integer, maxslices integer, lookupset varchar(150), swhere varchar(5000), sgid2field varchar(100), sgeom2field varchar(100)) RETURNS SETOF pgis_nn AS $BODY$ SELECT * FROM _pgis_fn_nn($1,$2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE;
Notes ¶
Though fairly fast, this method is somewhat approximate, since it uses a bounding box to determine near features, so not all features in the box can be the same distance away. A more accurate, but slower method would be to ament the expandoverlap_metric function to use ST_DWithin() instead of expand(), so replacing
IF expand(a,maxe*i/maxslice) && b THEN
IF ST_DWithin(a,b,maxe*i/maxslice) THEN