Finding and Editing Polygon Overlaps ¶
The function pgoverlap checks a polygon table for overlapping geometries, separating between sliver and non-sliver overlappings. It returns two tables - one table with non-overlapping geometries and adjusted sliver-overlapping polygons and one table with non-sliver overlappings which have to be handled manually afterwards.
This function is a test version. Any comments or ideas for improvement are welcome!
Preconditions for successful use of the function:
- gid column of data type integer or serial, unique, with btree index!!
- the_geom column of data type geometry and geometry type POLYGON, with gist index!!
- column of data type integer (name is variable) for subsequent joining of attributes with btree index!!
- geometries should be valid (otherwise number of exceptions rises)
Caution: Do not call the functions twice at a time!! - Intermediate tables have fixed names and are locked during function processing (otherwise their content would be overwritten).
CREATE TABLE pgoverlap_bsp_input (gid serial PRIMARY KEY, a_id integer, the_geom geometry); INSERT INTO pgoverlap_bsp_input (a_id, the_geom) VALUES (1,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3565961 5361731,3570432 5359825,3574390 5362977,3577469 5360631,3582526 5360192,3591616 5351909,3592715 5343113,3591835 5337395,3586265 5339448,3579008 5336882,3572045 5340254,3567500 5338788,3564421 5342013,3562296 5353301,3566327 5356527,3565961 5361731))',31467)), (2,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3587846 5359101,3587353 5362736,3592036 5366371,3598813 5365755,3601708 5361997,3592528 5358855,3587846 5359101))',31467)), (3,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3600429 5353669,3606823 5355001,3612240 5361751,3622453 5355801,3637461 5355179,3635951 5340171,3617036 5337240,3605225 5340260,3600429 5353669))',31467)), (4,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3580359 5328360,3588529 5330935,3597943 5323120,3606024 5322587,3612951 5315217,3608155 5306691,3603804 5305093,3596166 5306159,3591105 5310244,3584799 5310688,3576540 5317437,3580359 5328360))',31467)), (5,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3568123 5343184,3577776 5350721,3586922 5344624,3584890 5336664,3593104 5330312,3586499 5322014,3572187 5325232,3568123 5343184))',31467)), (6,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3594628 5349620,3601741 5358935,3617153 5357580,3621387 5348519,3617153 5339712,3610040 5334293,3616137 5322945,3607923 5311598,3600302 5314392,3596068 5319727,3600725 5329974,3596406 5339882,3594628 5349620))',31467)), (7,ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3622319 5325401,3625029 5327433,3630194 5329466,3635191 5326502,3638747 5317610,3631719 5311598,3622150 5316594,3622319 5325401))',31467)); SELECT _pgoverlap('public','pgoverlap_bsp_input','a_id','pgoverlap_bsp_output','pgoverlap_bsp_todo');
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _pgoverlap(schema_a varchar, table_a varchar, a_id varchar, table_result1 varchar, table_result2 varchar) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ /* $Id: pgoverlap_wiki.sql 2011-03-09 15:19Z Birgit Laggner $ pgoverlap - checks table for overlapping geometries separating between sliver and non-sliver overlappings, returns table with non-overlapping geometries and adjusted sliver-overlapping polygons as well as table with non-sliver overlappings (for later treatment) schema_a: database schema where table is located table_a: table name a_id: id column name in table table_result1: name of 1st result table (non-overlapping polygons) table_result2: name of 2nd result table (overlapping polygons) Preconditions for successful use of the function: - gid column of data type integer or serial, unique, with btree index!! - the_geom column of data type geometry and geometry type POLYGON, with gist index!! - column of data type integer (name is variable) for subsequent joining of attributes, with btree index!! - geometries should be valid (otherwise number of exceptions rises) Caution: Do not call the function twice at a time!! - Intermediate tables have fixed names and are locked during function processing (otherwise their content would be overwritten). Copyright (C) 2011 Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute (vTI) - Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Institute of Rural Studies, Braunschweig, Germany ( Version 0.1 contact: birgit dot laggner at vti dot bund dot de This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. This software is without any warrenty and you use it at your own risk. */ DECLARE i integer; sql_1 text; BEGIN --find all overlappings with geometrytype Polygon: EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1;'; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 ( gid serial, a_'||a_id||' integer, b_'||a_id||' integer, a_geom geometry, b_geom geometry, i_geom geometry, area numeric, perimeter2 numeric, perimeter2_uc numeric, cmp numeric, sliver character varying(1) );'; RAISE NOTICE 'Find all overlappings with geometrytype Polygon. '; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 ( a_'||a_id||', b_'||a_id||', a_geom, b_geom, i_geom) SELECT DISTINCT sel.a_'||a_id||', sel.b_'||a_id||', sel.a_geom, sel.b_geom, sel.i_geom FROM ( SELECT a.'||a_id||' AS a_'||a_id||', b.'||a_id||' AS b_'||a_id||', a.the_geom AS a_geom, b.the_geom AS b_geom, (ST_Dump(ST_Intersection(a.the_geom,b.the_geom))).geom AS i_geom FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||' a LEFT JOIN '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||' b ON a.the_geom && b.the_geom WHERE a.gid < b.gid AND ST_Intersects(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)) AS sel WHERE ST_GeometryType(sel.i_geom) NOT IN ( ''ST_Point'', ''ST_LineString'', ''ST_MultiPoint'', ''ST_MultiLineString'', ''ST_Line'');'; EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX pgoverlap_tmp1_gid_btree ON '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 USING btree(gid);'; EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX pgoverlap_tmp1_a_'||a_id||'_btree ON '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 USING btree(a_'||a_id||');'; EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX pgoverlap_tmp1_b_'||a_id||'_btree ON '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 USING btree(b_'||a_id||');'; --Check for sliver polygons RAISE NOTICE 'Check for sliver polygons. '; --1. Calculation of area and perimeter: EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET area=ST_Area(i_geom), perimeter2=ST_Perimeter(i_geom)^2;'; --2. Calculation of circle perimeter with area equal to area of the polygon: EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET perimeter2_uc=4*pi()*area;'; --3. Calculation of Compactness Index (cmp): EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET cmp=perimeter2_uc/perimeter2;'; --4. Decision: sliver polygon, true or false?: EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET sliver=''t'' WHERE area < 10;'; EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET sliver=''t'' WHERE cmp < 0.13;'; EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET sliver=''f'' WHERE sliver IS NULL;'; /* EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 SET sliver=''f'' WHERE area > 150;'; */ --Create table for sliver polygons: EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2;'; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 ( gid serial, a_'||a_id||' integer, a_geom geometry, i_geom_union geometry, the_geom geometry );'; RAISE NOTICE 'Processing sliver polygons. '; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 (a_'||a_id||', a_geom, i_geom_union) SELECT a_'||a_id||', a_geom, CASE WHEN ST_Union(i_geom) IS NULL THEN ST_Collect(i_geom) ELSE ST_Union(i_geom) END FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 WHERE sliver=''t'' GROUP BY a_'||a_id||', a_geom;'; i:=0; sql_1:='SELECT gid FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 ORDER BY gid;'; FOR i IN EXECUTE sql_1 LOOP BEGIN EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 SET the_geom=ST_Difference(a_geom, i_geom_union) WHERE gid='||i||';'; EXCEPTION WHEN internal_error THEN EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 SET the_geom=ST_Difference(ST_Buffer(a_geom,0.0), ST_Buffer(i_geom_union,0.0)) WHERE gid='||i||';'; END; END LOOP; EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX pgoverlap_tmp2_a_'||a_id||'_btree ON '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 USING btree(a_'||a_id||');'; --Create table with IDs of sliver polygons: RAISE NOTICE 'Creating table with IDs of sliver polygons. '; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp3;'; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp3 ( '||a_id||' integer);'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp3 ('||a_id||') SELECT DISTINCT a_'||a_id||' FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2;'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp3 ('||a_id||') SELECT DISTINCT a.b_'||a_id||' FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 a LEFT JOIN '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 b ON a.b_'||a_id||'=b.a_'||a_id||' WHERE b.a_'||a_id||' IS NULL;'; --Insert non-sliver polygons into separate table: BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT DropGeometryTable('''||schema_a||''','''||table_result2||''');'; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN END; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||' ( gid serial PRIMARY KEY, a_'||a_id||' integer, b_'||a_id||' integer );'; EXECUTE 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn('''||schema_a||''', '''||table_result2||''',''a_geom'',(SELECT DISTINCT ST_SRID(the_geom) FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||'),''POLYGON'',2);'; EXECUTE 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn('''||schema_a||''', '''||table_result2||''',''b_geom'',(SELECT DISTINCT ST_SRID(the_geom) FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||'),''POLYGON'',2);'; EXECUTE 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn('''||schema_a||''', '''||table_result2||''',''i_geom'',(SELECT DISTINCT ST_SRID(the_geom) FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||'),''POLYGON'',2);'; RAISE NOTICE 'Inserting non-sliver polygons into separate table. '; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||' ( a_'||a_id||', b_'||a_id||', a_geom, b_geom, i_geom) SELECT a_'||a_id||', b_'||a_id||', a_geom, b_geom, i_geom FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 WHERE sliver=''f'';'; --create table with IDs of non-sliver polygons: RAISE NOTICE 'creating table with IDs of non-sliver polygons. '; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4;'; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4 ( '||a_id||' integer);'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4 ('||a_id||') SELECT DISTINCT a_'||a_id||' FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||';'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4 ('||a_id||') SELECT DISTINCT a.b_'||a_id||' FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||' a LEFT JOIN '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||' b ON a.b_'||a_id||'=b.a_'||a_id||' WHERE b.a_'||a_id||' IS NULL;'; --Insert geometries without overlappings into new table: EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp5;'; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp5 ( gid serial PRIMARY KEY, '||a_id||' integer, the_geom geometry );'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp5 ('||a_id||', the_geom) SELECT a.'||a_id||', a.the_geom FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||' a LEFT JOIN '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp3 b ON a.'||a_id||'=b.'||a_id||' LEFT JOIN '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4 c ON a.'||a_id||'=c.'||a_id||' WHERE b.'||a_id||' IS NULL AND c.'||a_id||' IS NULL;'; --Create and merge result table: BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT DropGeometryTable('''||schema_a||''','''||table_result1||''');'; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN END; EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' ( gid serial PRIMARY KEY, '||a_id||' integer );'; EXECUTE 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn('''||schema_a||''','''||table_result1||''',''the_geom'',(SELECT DISTINCT ST_SRID(the_geom) FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_a||'),''POLYGON'',2);'; -- 11May12 PostGIS 2.0 rejects this DROP CONSTRAINT as an error -dbb EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' DROP CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom;'; --Insert Difference (sliver overlappings) into result table: EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' ( '||a_id||', the_geom ) SELECT a_'||a_id||', (ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 WHERE ST_IsEmpty(the_geom)=''f'';'; --Insert unchanged polygons (sliver overlappings) into result table: EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' ( '||a_id||', the_geom ) SELECT DISTINCT a.b_'||a_id||', a.b_geom FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1 a LEFT JOIN '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2 b ON a.b_'||a_id||'=b.a_'||a_id||' WHERE a.sliver=''t'' AND b.a_'||a_id||' IS NULL;'; --Insert non-overlapping polygons into result table: EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' ( '||a_id||', the_geom ) SELECT '||a_id||', the_geom FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp5;'; --Update geometries already processed as sliver overlappings which also have non-sliver overlappings: EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||' t SET a_geom=a.geom FROM (SELECT '||a_id||', CASE WHEN ST_Union(the_geom) IS NULL THEN ST_Collect(the_geom) ELSE ST_Union(the_geom) END AS geom FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' GROUP BY '||a_id||') a WHERE t.a_'||a_id||'=a.'||a_id||';'; EXECUTE 'UPDATE '||schema_a||'.'||table_result2||' t SET b_geom=a.geom FROM (SELECT '||a_id||', CASE WHEN ST_Union(the_geom) IS NULL THEN ST_Collect(the_geom) ELSE ST_Union(the_geom) END AS geom FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' GROUP BY '||a_id||') a WHERE t.b_'||a_id||'=a.'||a_id||';'; EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM '||schema_a||'.'||table_result1||' WHERE '||a_id||' IN (SELECT '||a_id||' FROM '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4);'; --Remove tmp tables: EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp1;'; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp2;'; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp3;'; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp4;'; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '||schema_a||'.pgoverlap_tmp5;'; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION public._pgoverlap(varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar) OWNER TO postgres;