

SpatiaLite is a GIS file format based on SQLite, which stores multiple layers and data tables into a single file. It is an alternative format to ESRI Shapefiles, which have several legacy issues (such as storage types and lengths of column names, etc.) Furthermore it is simple to distribute and run, as there is only one file.

Exporting from PostGIS to SpatiaLite

Use ogr2ogr built with SQLite support.

To create the SpatiaLite file and export a first layer:

$ ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco SPATIALITE=yes myfile.sqlite PG:"dbname=mydb user=myuser password=mypass" myschema.mytable

And for additional layer/tables:

$ ogr2ogr -f SQLite -update myfile.sqlite b PG:"dbname=mydb user=myuser password=mypass" myschema.my2ndtable

To load all the tables of a schema from Postgres to SpatiaLite (with or without geometry) and without the views:

$ ogr2ogr --config PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES YES --config PG_SKIP_VIEWS YES -f "SQLite" mydb.sqlite -progress PG:"dbname='mydb' \
  active_schema=myschema schemas=myschema host='localhost' port='5432' user='myuser' password='mypass'" -lco LAUNDER=yes \
  -dsco SPATIALITE=yes -lco SPATIAL_INDEX=yes -gt 65536

To load a table (mytable) (with a geometry columns named "geometry") from a SQLite/SpatiaLite (mysqlite.sqlite) into a schema (myschema) of a Postgres/PostGIS:

ogr2ogr --config SQLITE_LIST_ALL_TABLES YES -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname='mydb' active_schema=myschema schemas=myschema host='localhost' port='5432' user='myuser' password='mypass'" -overwrite -lco SCHEMA=myschema -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry -lco SPATIAL_INDEX=YES mysqlite.sqlite mytable

Accessing SpatiaLite data from PostGIS

The SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL provides transparent and bidirectional access to SpatiaLite databases from PostgreSQL queries, including PostGIS.

To set it up, you should make sure that the SQLite database is accessible to the OS user under which Postgres is running, usually postgres. After installing the extension, you can connect to Postgres as a superuser and run CREATE SERVER to add the foreign server. The following commands make the /home/osgeo/Example of SpatiaLite database file.sqlite database accessible from Postgres and grant access to it to the osgeo user:

CREATE SERVER sqlite_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER sqlite_fdw OPTIONS (database '/home/osgeo/Example of SpatiaLite database file.sqlite');

You can force read-only access by setting the force_readonly option on the SERVER, either when creating it, or afterwards.

After FOREIGN SERVER creation and GRANT you can use only user without any administrative rigths and create a FOREIGN TABLE for you SpatiaLite data. For example for spatial table Osaka_2025-01-20 in the SpatiaLite file will be effective the following commands for "OSM 大阪市" PostgreSQL table name: SQLite tables can be created from the Postgres side, for example the following will create a table called in the SQLite database. The table will be named Osaka_2025-01-20 in SQLite and OSM 大阪市 in Postgres:

    g geometry,
    tags json
SERVER sqlite_server
    table 'Osaka_2025-01-20'

After that, you can query the foreign table as you normally would:

SELECT * FROM "OSM 大阪市" WHERE tags->>'building' = 'yes';
SELECT * FROM "OSM 大阪市" WHERE g = (SELECT geom FROM "UNESCO Japan" WHERE city='大阪市' AND name='大坂城');
SELECT * FROM "OSM 大阪市" WHERE g = (SELECT geom FROM "UNESCO Japan" WHERE city_lat='Osaka' AND name='大坂城');

CREATE TABLE osaka_buildings AS
SELECT * FROM "OSM 大阪市" WHERE tags->>'building' = 'yes';

SELECT geom, tags
FROM dumps.osaka_2025-01-21;

For more information, see the SQLite FDW README and the GIS support docs.

Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on 01/26/25 08:11:55
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