#5502 closed defect (fixed)

ERROR: cannot drop function st_bandmetadata(raster,integer) because other objects depend on it

Reported by: strk Owned by: strk
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 3.4.1
Component: build Version: 3.4.x
Keywords: raster Cc:


Spotted via make -C raster/test/regress/ check-locked-upgrade

Change History (5)

comment:1 by strk, 19 months ago

2 signature, never changed since 2.0.0 which was the first version including raster officially

comment:2 by strk, 19 months ago

Hold on, taking it back, the signature actually changed from using OUT parameters to returning table. This happened in 2.5.0

comment:3 by strk, 19 months ago

We'll need pg_catalog.pg_get_function_identity_arguments to spot the difference, which goes from:

rast raster, band integer[], OUT bandnum integer, OUT pixeltype text, OUT nodatavalue double precision, OUT isoutdb boolean, OUT path text, OUT outdbbandnum integer, OUT filesize bigint, OUT filetimestamp bigint


rast raster, band integer[]

comment:4 by Sandro Santilli <strk@…>, 19 months ago

In 58780c6f/git:

Deprecate older raster functions instead of dropping them

Fix raster unpackaging script creator to handle script based drops

in master (3.5.0dev) branch:

References #5516 #5517 #5502 #5503 #5504 #5505 #5506 #5507 #5508

#5509 #5510 #5511 #5512 #5513 #5514 #5515 #5516

comment:5 by Sandro Santilli <strk@…>, 18 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In e428b70/git:

Backport all fixes to deal with upgrades in presence of views

  • Use a common before/after upgrade script for core and raster: rename deprecated funx before, drop them (if possible) after
  • Properly encode all deprecation from 2.5 onward
  • Update run_test.pl to support double upgrades and give hints upon leaving functions in the database

In 3.4 branch (3.4.1dev):

closes #5493 #5502 #5503 #5504 #5505 #5506 #5507 #5508 #5509 #5510

#5511 #5512 #5513 #5514 #5515 #5516 #5516 #5517 #5523 #5524

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