#4941 closed defect (fixed)
ST_RemEdgeModFace and TopoGeo_addLineString cause invalid face mbr
Reported by: | strk | Owned by: | strk |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS 3.2.0 |
Component: | topology | Version: | 2.2.x |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Somehow the MBR column of the face table is getting ruined by ST_RemEdgeModFace:
=# SELECT * from validatetopology('invalid'); error | id1 | id2 -------+-----+----- (0 rows) =# select ST_RemEdgeModFace('invalid', 330); DEBUG: Drop of edge 330 merged faces 152 and 134 DEBUG: Face1 box is GBOX((12.123711,65.127846),(12.20883,65.210075)) DEBUG: Face2 box is GBOX((12.163308,65.163696),(12.163559,65.163818)) DEBUG: Merged faces box is GBOX((12.123711,65.127846),(12.20883,65.210075)) st_remedgemodface ------------------- 134 (1 row) =# SELECT * from validatetopology('invalid'); DEBUG: MBR expected:BOX(12.123710632324219 65.12784576416016,12.208829879760742 65.21007537841797) obtained:BOX(12.123711265448206 65.12785021295713,12.208829785296102 65.21007378815003) error | id1 | id2 --------------------+-----+----- face has wrong mbr | 134 | (1 row)
Change History (12)
comment:1 by , 4 years ago
comment:2 by , 4 years ago
Work in progress fix: https://gitlab.com/postgis/postgis/-/merge_requests/35
It's not just in updateFacesById but also in the cb_insertFaces callback…
comment:3 by , 4 years ago
Version: | main → 2.2.x |
This bug was introduced when PostGIS Topology was implemented in C, thus 2.2.0 times
comment:4 by , 4 years ago
Here's a simplified testcase:
SELECT createtopology('invalid'); SELECT count(*) from ( SELECT TopoGeo_addLineString('invalid', 'LINESTRING( 12.123711265448206 65.12785021295713, 12.123711265448206 65.21007378815003, 12.208829785296102 65.21007378815003, 12.208829785296102 65.12785021295713, 12.123711265448206 65.12785021295713) ' ) ) foo; SELECT * from validatetopology('invalid'); SELECT count(*) from ( SELECT TopoGeo_addLineString('invalid', 'LINESTRING( 12.164016376530826 65.16373151830707, 12.164026259700226 65.16368501062713, 12.164003720888175 65.16368611107725, 12.164016376530826 65.16373151830707 )') ) foo; SELECT * from validatetopology('invalid');
comment:5 by , 4 years ago
Summary: | ST_RemEdgeModFace causes invalid face mbr → ST_RemEdgeModFace and TopoGeo_addLineString cause invalid face mbr |
comment:7 by , 4 years ago
It definitely seems to be related to float vs. double resolution of bbox, as I saw lwgeom_refresh_bbox() changing results
comment:8 by , 4 years ago
The problem seems to be with ST_BoundingDiagonal as well, disagreeing with ST_Envelope:
=# with inp as ( select 'POLYGON((12.123711265448206 65.12785021295713,12.123711265448206 65.21007378815003,12.208829785296102 65.12785021295713,12.123711265448206 65.12785021295713))'::geometry g ) select ST_XMin(g), ST_XMin(ST_Envelope(g)), ST_XMin(ST_BoundingDiagonal(g)) from inp; st_xmin | st_xmin | st_xmin --------------------+--------------------+-------------------- 12.123711265448206 | 12.123711265448206 | 12.123710632324219
comment:12 by , 4 years ago
Although 2.5 and 2.4 are also bogus, I won't backport the fix as the bug isn't a crasher and the slightly larger MBR isn't such a big deal (and I can't easily build for those branches either)
I think the culprit is in the cb_updateFacesById callback defined in topology/postgis_topology.c as the function steps by text representation of the box, thus reducing its precision.