Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2915 closed defect (wontfix)

2014 TIGER TABBLOCK and FACES Schema Changed

Reported by: alferz Owned by: robe
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.8
Component: tiger geocoder Version: 2.1.x
Keywords: Cc:


It looks like the US Census has changed the 2014 TIGER TABBLOCK and FACES shapefiles data schema. Some fields are missing from the 2013 version, and some have been modified with a "10" suffix. Unfortunately this breaks the loader scripts for 2014 state data in PostGIS. I am about 2 days into PostGIS so this is the extent of the details I can provide, but until this bug is resolved it appears the 2014 census data will be unusable. I would note that all other tables appeared to have loaded successfully, but these two ended up empty due to the errors in the loader script/

Running shp2pgsql on both data sets reveals the column names have changed:


2013: INSERT INTO "tiger_staging"."ca_tabblock" ("statefp","countyfp","statefp10","countyfp10","tractce10","blockce10","suffix1ce","geoid","name","mtfcc","ur10","uace10","funcstat","aland","awater","intptlat","intptlon",the_geom)

2014: INSERT INTO tiger_staging"."ca_tabblock" ("statefp10","countyfp10","tractce10","blockce10","geoid10","name10","mtfcc10","ur10","uace10","uatyp10","funcstat10","aland10","awater10","intptlat10","intptlon10",the_geom)


2013: INSERT INTO "tiger_staging"."ca_faces" ("tfid","statefp10","countyfp10","tractce10","blkgrpce10","blockce10","zcta5ce10","uace10","pumace10","statefp","countyfp","tractce","blkgrpce","blockce","suffix1ce","cousubfp","submcdfp","estatefp","conctyfp","placefp","aiannhfp","aiannhce","comptyp","trsubfp","trsubce","anrcfp","ttractce","tblkgpce","elsdlea","scsdlea","unsdlea","cd113fp","sldust","sldlst","csafp","cbsafp","metdivfp","cnectafp","nectafp","nctadvfp","lwflag","offset","atotal","intptlat","intptlon",the_geom)

2014: INSERT INTO "tiger_staging"."ca_faces" ("tfid","statefp10","countyfp10","tractce10","blkgrpce10","blockce10","suffix1ce","zcta5ce10","uace10","pumace10","statefp","countyfp","tractce","blkgrpce","cousubfp","submcdfp","estatefp","conctyfp","placefp","aiannhfp","aiannhce","comptyp","trsubfp","trsubce","anrcfp","ttractce","tblkgpce","elsdlea","scsdlea","unsdlea","cd114fp","sldust","sldlst","csafp","cbsafp","metdivfp","cnectafp","nectafp","nctadvfp","lwflag","offset","atotal","intptlat","intptlon",the_geom)

Change History (6)

comment:1 by marcjansen, 11 years ago

This should be fixed in trunk: see #2906. PostGIS 2.2 (AFAICT soon to come) should be able to deal with TIGER 2014.

comment:2 by robe, 10 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.5

I'll backport my changes to 2.1 once I have tested more on 2.2 a bit. I think the tabblock one I still need to fix.

comment:3 by pramsey, 10 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.5PostGIS 2.1.6

comment:4 by pramsey, 10 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.6PostGIS 2.1.7

comment:5 by robe, 10 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.7PostGIS 2.1.8

comment:6 by robe, 10 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I'm not going to bother fixing in 2.1 series - fixed in 2.2

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