

19:38 Ticket #1131 (Update artwork to 7.0) reopened by hamish
cosmetics remain. anti-alias/blend/burn/emboss text into …
18:07 Ticket #1131 (Update artwork to 7.0) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed since alpha2
18:06 Ticket #1152 (ncWMS launchers not installed in Geospatial menu) closed by kalxas
fixed: menu items confirmed to work on [10308]
18:03 Ticket #1154 (PostGIS failed to install from UbuntuGIS repository) created by kalxas
02:49 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by hamish
fix wiki markup (diff)


06:04 Ticket #1098 (Kosmo ships old JTS lib) closed by sbcalvo
fixed: The latest Kosmo Desktop v3.0 ships JTS 1.13
05:59 Ticket #1146 (Update Kosmo Desktop package to new 3.0 release) closed by sbcalvo
fixed: Updated Kosmo Desktop package to latest 3.0 RC2. I'll update to 3.0 …


06:04 Ticket #1153 (tomcat not starting on installed systems under custom user) created by kalxas
When OSGeoLive is installed with user name != "user", tomcat cannot be …
05:56 Ticket #1152 (ncWMS launchers not installed in Geospatial menu) created by kalxas
The launchers are included in "install_icons_and_menus.sh" but they …


09:47 Ticket #1150 (Installation of GeoNode provides 404 error) created by kalxas
As can be seen here: ` Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig …


11:46 Ticket #1147 (Non free libraries included in gvSIG and Kosmo packages) closed by kalxas
10:57 Ticket #1149 (WSGI Apps preferred conf) created by darkblueb
Python WSGI apps have to share resources on the Live. This ticket is …
08:34 Ticket #1129 (GeoNetwork includes internal GeoServer) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed in build [10265]. Thanks


06:35 Ticket #1099 (pycsw quickstart screenshot outdated) closed by kalxas
fixed: done in [10252]


11:51 Ticket #1148 (VM Quickstart Update) created by darkblueb
* make sure that the VM Quickstart is current; as possible, improve …


02:37 Ticket #1145 (Remove privative libraries from Kosmo Desktop package) closed by kalxas
duplicate: duplicate of #1147
02:32 Ticket #1147 (Non free libraries included in gvSIG and Kosmo packages) created by kalxas
Recently we found out that Kosmo and gvSIG include the MrSID and …


06:01 Ticket #1146 (Update Kosmo Desktop package to new 3.0 release) created by sbcalvo
Update the Kosmo Desktop distribution package from 2.0.1 to latest …
05:59 Ticket #1145 (Remove privative libraries from Kosmo Desktop package) created by sbcalvo
As pointed by Angelos Tzotsos, MrSid and ECW libraries are not …
03:41 Ticket #1144 (Remove privative libraries from gvSIG package) created by jsanz
As pointed by Angelos, MrSid and ECW libraries are not redistributable …


08:31 Ticket #1135 (EOxServer produces server error 500) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed to work in build 10218. Thanks!
02:37 Ticket #1142 (df not working within chroot) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed in build 10213


16:34 Ticket #1142 (df not working within chroot) reopened by kalxas
fixed in [10213]
16:33 Ticket #1142 (df not working within chroot) closed by kalxas
fixed: (In [10213]) trying to fix #1142
12:57 Ticket #1142 (df not working within chroot) created by kalxas
This makes it difficult to report disk space allocation per …
10:16 Ticket #1062 (Cartaro, EOxServer and Geomajas should be in submenus) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed in build 10210
09:53 Ticket #1141 (Projects using default tomcat should enable it in their startup scripts) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed on build 10210.


00:59 Ticket #756 (GeoNetwork Home icon doesn't start GeoNetwork) closed by kalxas
fixed: GeoNetwork still has 3 icons but the start icon will bring up home …


07:17 Ticket #1141 (Projects using default tomcat should enable it in their startup scripts) created by kalxas
Since #1032 was fixed, 52North (WPS,SOS and WSS), rasdaman and Mapfish …
07:09 Ticket #1032 (GeoNetwork freezes under Virtual Box when memory is 1GB or less) closed by kalxas
fixed: Default tomcat has been removed from autostart in [10180] With this …


18:15 Ticket #1134 (mb-system fails to install) closed by hamish
fixed: yeah I know, I hadn't uploaded it yet :) I've done that now, it should …
17:36 Ticket #1139 (Upgrade pgRouting to version 2.0.0) created by dkastl
With OSGeo Live 7.0 pgRouting should be upgraded to version 2.0.0, but …
13:05 Ticket #1138 (Upgrade uDIG latest 1.4.0 release) created by fgdrf
.. from 1.2.2 same here, use OpenJDK and install JAI/Image-IO libs, …
09:55 Ticket #1132 (ossim data fail to download for the last few builds) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed in alpha 2
09:52 Ticket #1137 (zoo-project background map problem) created by kalxas
While the demo application is working fine, the backgrounf wms is not …
09:50 Ticket #1136 (Cartaro not working after GeoServer upgrade) created by kalxas
GeoServer is currently at version 2.3.2 (expected to go to 2.3.3 for …
09:48 Ticket #1135 (EOxServer produces server error 500) created by kalxas
This is reproducable in alpha 2.
09:47 Ticket #1134 (mb-system fails to install) created by kalxas
Processing triggers for menu ... --2013-06-14 10:26:26-- …


10:05 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


07:53 Ticket #1130 (rasdaman build failure) closed by rasdaman
fixed: (In [10164]) fix ticket 1130


23:07 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


02:42 Ticket #1132 (ossim data fail to download for the last few builds) created by kalxas
--2013-06-09 09:39:34-- (try:18) …


12:59 Ticket #1131 (Update artwork to 7.0) created by kalxas
How should we deal with this task this time? I propose to have a green …
11:58 Ticket #1130 (rasdaman build failure) created by kalxas
make all-am make[3]: Entering directory …
11:52 Ticket #1129 (GeoNetwork includes internal GeoServer) created by kalxas
In order to optimize for disk space, we need all the applications to …


08:14 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by ahocevar
07:58 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by ahocevar
Adding OpenLayers, GeoExt and GeoServer (diff)


08:28 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by pka
Note for organizers (diff)


12:34 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


08:14 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by pka
Workshops Rapperswil (diff)


11:49 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by sfkeller


12:16 Ticket #1122 (Around 19.5 GB limitation) closed by kalxas
wontfix: The REAL minimum installation size can be found by the size of …
12:03 Ticket #1119 (Broken Link: OSGeo-Live applications Presentation) closed by kalxas
invalid: works fine for me too


23:20 Ticket #1122 (Around 19.5 GB limitation) created by liam
I tried to install osgeo on 1GB RAM 10GB HARD VPS. VPS administrator …


22:30 Ticket #1120 (gpsbabel works only as root) created by micha
I see that trying to download data with gpsbabel from a garmin GPS …
16:02 Ticket #1119 (Broken Link: OSGeo-Live applications Presentation) created by kaurs
OSGeo-Live applications Presentation PDF from: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.