
Version 21 (modified by ahocevar, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Adding OpenLayers, GeoExt and GeoServer

OSGeo-Live Workshop installation

Select your workshop from the list below and install the required software.

Workshop organizers: Please add your workshop in this wiki page.

FOSSGIS 2013, Rapperswil

OSGeo-Live 6.5

Workshop Date Software Links
Entwicklung von Quantum GIS Plugins 2013-06-13 [apt://eric,qt4-designer eric,designer]
QGIS-Formulare, Aktionen und DB-Relationen 2013-06-13
Mapbender3 2013-06-13 Mapbender3 Workshopunterlagen
PostGIS 2 - Workshop rund um die neue Version 2013-06-13 TODO:workshop zip TODO: PostGIS 2 Workshopunterlagen
OpenLayers 2013-06-13
GeoExt 2013-06-13
GeoServer 2013-06-13

FOSSGIS 2012, Dessau

OSGeo-Live 6.0

Workshop Date Software Links
QGIS Plugin Programmierung mit !PyQt4 und PyQGIS 2012-03-20 [apt://eric,qt4-designer eric,designer] Abstract
Neue Funktionen in QGIS für Poweruser 2012-03-21 [apt://qt4-designer qt4-designer] Kursunterlagen
Mapbender3 2012-03-21 Mapbender3 Kursunterlagen
PostGIS 2.0 - Was bringt die neue Version? 2012-03-21 workshop zip PostGIS 2.0 Kursunterlagen
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