Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 10 months ago

#2342 new task

Some OpenLayers examples shows "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed" when loading GeoJSON file

Reported by: sanak Owned by: osgeolive@…
Priority: normal Milestone: OSGeoLive17.0
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords:
Cc: osgeolive@…


I confirmed this issue on some OpenLayers examples on OSGeoLive 14.0 official release version (with ISO => VirtualBox setup).

Change History (7)

comment:1 by sanak, 3 years ago

Adding AddType application/json .geojson line to /etc/apache2/mods-available/mime.conf on the VM guest and restarting apache by sudo systemctl restart apache2 seems to solve the issue locally.

comment:2 by kalxas, 3 years ago

Cc: osgeolive@… added

comment:3 by sanak, 3 years ago

This issue seems to be solved on OSGeoLive 15 alpha1 by checking the following example.

I confirmed that /etc/mime.types now includes the following geo (or 3d) related formats,

application/geo+json				geojson
application/geopackage+sqlite3			gpkg
application/gltf-buffer				glbin glbuf
application/gml+xml				gml

and I guess that those seem to be supported from debian bullseye media-types.

(Because previous debian buster mime-support - mime.types doesn't include above formats.)

Each type definitions seem to come from

Currently, bin/ appends some entries to /etc/mime.types,

so, it may be better to adjust the part. (For example, .sqlite and .osm seem to be duplicate.)

Last edited 3 years ago by sanak (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by kalxas, 2 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive15.0OSGeoLive16.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:5 by kalxas, 10 months ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive16.0OSGeoLive17.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

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