Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#1308 reopened enhancement

sample metadata is missing

Reported by: hamish Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: major Milestone: Unplanned
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: metadata, sample data


/usr/local/share/data/metadata leads to a dead symlink

Change History (20)

comment:1 by kalxas, 11 years ago

This can be fixed if we include geonode-gisdata in the build. It would be better to create some XML metadata files for Natural Earth and North Carolina datasets and feed them to CSW servers available in the disk.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by hamish, 11 years ago

Replying to kalxas:

This can be fixed if we include geonode-gisdata in the build.

apt-cache search geonode-gisdata from the VM doesn't find it.

got a link to the ppa?

or should we just tarball up the dir from the 7.0 live disc, and stash a copy on

It would be better to create some XML metadata files for Natural Earth and North Carolina datasets and feed them to CSW servers available in the disk.

it would be, but perhaps that's a job for the next cycle.

thanks, Hamish

comment:4 by hamish, 11 years ago

hopefully fixed with r11216.


comment:5 by kalxas, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

confirmed in [11228]

comment:6 by kalxas, 11 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive7.9OSGeoLive8.0
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Type: defectenhancement

I will leave it open as enhancement for adding common metadata to NC dataset

comment:7 by neteler, 11 years ago

Metadata may be compiled from the material listed here:

comment:8 by kalxas, 11 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive8.0OSGeoLive8.5

comment:10 by kalxas, 10 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive8.5OSGeoLive9.0

comment:11 by kalxas, 10 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive9.0OSGeoLive9.5

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:12 by tomkralidis, 9 years ago

As discussed today in #osgeolive, it would be valuable to have proper metadata for all data available on OSGeo-Live. In addition to the value proposition that metadata provides, having proper metadata would allows for metadata/search/catalogue type applications to serve the metadata/CSW endpoint.

Data currently provided:

The next logical steps might be:

  • work with each of the data providers with the hopes of metadata being provided (in, say, Dublin Core or DCAT) by the data provider themselves as part of the data
  • update CSW based applications to provide said metadata as part of their OSGeo-Live install

comment:13 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive9.5OSGeoLive10.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:14 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive10.0OSGeoLive10.5

comment:15 by kalxas, 8 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive10.5OSGeoLive11.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:16 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive11.0OSGeoLive14.0

comment:17 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Priority: criticalmajor

comment:18 by neteler, 4 years ago


A volunteer may explore (a set of GRAS GIS addons) to auto-generate metadata for the North Carolina dataset.

comment:19 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive14.0OSGeoLive15.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:20 by kalxas, 3 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive15.0Unplanned
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