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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2401 fixed ETF not deployed due to ETS download not present osgeolive@… jenriquesoriano

Dear OSGeoLive team,

thanks for your efforts and congratulations for your excellent work.

We are reporting an issue in the ETF installation due to it is deployed but not loading some information needed.

We have tested the ETF deployment in the RC1. We have noticed that, the ETSs are not in the corresponding folder (/home/user/.etf/projects/inspire-ets-repository/). They should be downloaded and executed in the first deployment. We have checked the installation script and it seems correct, as we have ran it manually on the machine RC1 and the ETSs have been downloaded and the ETF is deployed properly.

Thus, it seems that there can be something in the virtual machine generation that has prevented the installation script from running completely. Probably in one of these lines of the installation scripts (/home/user/gisvm/bin/

if [ ! -d "$ETF_FOLDER/projects/inspire-ets-repository/ets-repository-osgeolive-15" ];then
	sudo mkdir "$ETF_FOLDER/projects/inspire-ets-repository/"
	cd "$ETF_FOLDER/projects/inspire-ets-repository/"
	sudo unzip -o "$TMP/"

Is there any hint that you can provide us with in order to get the installation script properly executed in the VM building process?

Thanks a lot.

#2400 fixed deegree stop script not updated to 3.4.32 osgeolive@… kalxas

#2399 fixed MapServer doc page not found osgeolive@… sanak

When starting MapServer, Firefox's 2nd tab (http://localhost/mapserver/doc) returns 404 Not Found.

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