Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1986 wontfix There is no more liveDVD distribution through torrent live-demo@… bakaniko

This section speaks about uploading the liveDVD to an torrent tracker. The tracker is not responding.

So this part is deprecated:

It should be removed or updated.

#2055 wontfix jupyter overview comment & TBD found live-demo@… cvvergara

The overview has this comment from Cameron

.. Cameron Comment: Reverted to prior screenshot
  New image was: .. image:: /images/projects/jupyter/jupyter6.png
  The new image is too big, and has too much white space.
 Either it will need to be one snapshot, or layered over each other.
 The GeoServer image might provide some good inspiration:

And this TBD from Epifanio

.. TBD: The image should show use of iPython Notebook with maps, possibly as
   collage. Show an [In] cell with code. Show a heading or 2 and text
   demonstrating how it is easy to build an publish powerful web pages.
#2061 wontfix OSSIM packages missing from Bionic osgeolive@… kalxas

The following packages are missing from Bionic and need to be packaged in OSGeoLive ppa: ossim-plugins ossim-planet-qt ossim-planet ossim-gui

I am going to disable those packages from the ossim install script until they become available.

Cheers, Angelos

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