Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1382 update quickstarts to reflect new menu structure new docs live-demo@… defect normal
#2124 Docs site update translators credits on sponsors pages new docs osgeolive@… defect normal
#2402 presentation CHANGELOG link broken new docs osgeolive@… defect normal
#1070 Not consistent figure is OpenJump quickstart new OpenJump, quickstart, docs live-demo@… enhancement normal
#1541 Integrate new OGC documentation in our docs new docs live-demo@… enhancement major
#2046 Sphinx version control makes a false alarm new doc live-demo@… enhancement normal
#1148 VM Quickstart Update new VM, docs live-demo@… task normal
#2166 Add doc building scripts into the disc new scripts documentation osgeolive@… task normal
#2184 Add a glossary for acronyms new doc, glossary osgeolive@… task normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.