Custom Query (25 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2368 pg_tileserv on OSGeoLive new postgres osgeolive@… enhancement major
#2386 GRASS directories missing in QGIS Browser new QGIS GRASS provider osgeolive@… defect major
#2421 sync re3gistry install with docs new java, re3gistry osgeolive@… task major
#2482 add PostGIS-3.5 new postgis, postgresql osgeolive@… enhancement major
#865 North Carolina and Natural Earth data import scripts for GRASS new grass, north carolina hamish task normal
#1070 Not consistent figure is OpenJump quickstart new OpenJump, quickstart, docs live-demo@… enhancement normal
#1984 Updating the R overview and quickstart and making them more appealing new R, quickstart bakaniko enhancement normal
#1987 Add files in github repo new contributing, enhancement bakaniko enhancement normal
#2153 add r-spatial stars package new R, sf osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2156 cartopy notebook download coastlines new python, cartopy osgeolive@… task normal
#2166 Add doc building scripts into the disc new scripts documentation osgeolive@… task normal
#2176 OTB quickstart - Full paths to image files new OTB quickstart osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2182 Add create new VM from an ISO new ISO virtualbox osgeolive@… defect normal
#2184 Add a glossary for acronyms new doc, glossary osgeolive@… task normal
#2290 geemap python new jupyter, python osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2319 preserve printing ability in ol15 new print osgeolive@… task normal
#2374 python Iris3 on OSGeoLive new python, jupyter osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2378 rasterio plug-ins new python, rasterio osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2388 Leaflet quickstart document update new leaflet,mapnik,mapproxy osgeolive@… task normal
#2405 Provide tmap as a cartographic library in R new R osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2406 QGIS db connection default is 52nSOS, although it doesn't exist in ISO version new QGIS, 52nSOS, pgRoutingLayer osgeolive@… defect normal
#2430 Jupyter Shapely Notebook errors new jupyter, shapely osgeolive@… defect normal
#2439 virtualbox guest additions are already installed in the vmdk new vmdk, virtualbox guest additions osgeolive@… enhancement normal
#2161 Add doc building scripts to the build new scripts osgeolive@… task minor
#2432 xarray missing cfgrib engine new python, xarray osgeolive@… enhancement minor
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