Custom Query (37 matches)


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Status: closed (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2410 MapServer 8.0 docs update osgeolive@… task critical fixed 22 months
#2444 Remove ncWMS documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 9 months
#2445 Create script to retire a project osgeolive@… task normal fixed 9 months
#2452 Remove Cartaro documentation cvvergara task normal fixed 2 months
#2453 Remove tilemill documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2455 Remove mapwindow documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2457 Remove 52nWSS documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2458 Remove ushahidi documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2460 Remove 52NorthWPS from documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2461 Remove geomajas documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2462 Remove liblas documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2463 Remove mapslicer documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2464 Remove tinyows documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2465 Remove atlasstyler documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2466 Remove geopublisher documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2467 Remove gpsdrive documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2468 Remove webworldwind documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2469 Remove geokettle documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2470 Remove iris documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2471 Remove metacrs documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2472 Remove mb-system documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2473 Remove osgearth documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2474 Remove sahana documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2475 Remove viking documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2476 Remove worldwindjava documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months
#2477 Remove unused components on Weblate osgeolive@… task normal fixed 2 months

Status: new (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#1541 Integrate new OGC documentation in our docs live-demo@… enhancement major 9 years
#1983 Git usage for updating documentation is not well enough explained live-demo@… task major 7 years
#2046 Sphinx version control makes a false alarm live-demo@… enhancement normal 7 years
#2056 Get Writing tips from postgis overview and put them in the wiki astrid_emde task normal 6 years
#2124 Docs site update translators credits on sponsors pages osgeolive@… defect normal 6 years
#2166 Add doc building scripts into the disc osgeolive@… task normal 5 years
#2182 Add create new VM from an ISO osgeolive@… defect normal 5 years
#2184 Add a glossary for acronyms osgeolive@… task normal 5 years
#2251 Document if its only in vmdk osgeolive@… task normal 4 years
#2446 Adjust script to compress images osgeolive@… task normal 9 months
#2165 Add a last translated date to docs osgeolive@… enhancement trivial 5 years
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