Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#1989 new task

OSGeoLive kinds of volunteers

Reported by: cvvergara Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Documentation Keywords:


I don't see in the wiki a clear definition of the volunteers on this project.

Because of the nature of the project, some tasks are done by external volunteers that where searched for, and asked to help us.

And, as far as I can see, the internal volunteers made it a common practice to self assign tasks, based on their own capacities and knowledge, that need to be done in order to make a release.

I am classifying here, what I see so far is the kind of volunteer that OSGeoLive needs. (might need refinement, and maybe to be placed in the wiki)

  • Internal Volunteer
    • Member of PSC
  • External Volunteer
    • Person not member of PSC
  • Project Volunteer
    • Person that belongs to a project included in OSGeoLive, and is volunteering for scripts & documentation maintenance
    • Can be External Volunteer
    • Can be Internal Volunteer
  • Translation Volunteer
    • Person that is part of the translation team on Transifex (Starting from version 12)
    • Note that only upgrading transifex it can’t be known how much volunteer work was made unless its payed service
    • Can be External Volunteer
    • Can be Internal Volunteer

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Ben Caradoc-Davies, 8 years ago

I think that the term "volunteer" is problematic because it precludes involvement as part of employment or business. I think that the term "contributor" is more neutral and aligns with the CLA and contributors list. I see us as having these orthogonal categories:

  1. Project Steering Committee members
  1. Contributors, which can comprise one or both of:
    • Project contributors
    • Documentation contributors
  1. Committers, those who have write access to the source repository and so can merge pull requests

comment:2 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Component: OSGeoLiveDocumentation
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