Google Summer of Code 2013 ΒΆ
GSoC Ideas
OSGeo4W needs to incorporate several functionalities or linking to libraries such as ECW, MrSID, Oracle Client, and ESRI FileG DB which need to be asked to end users for a license. It also adds improvements to the current installer to port 64 bits machines (Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 etc). OSGeo4W will be extended to include a way of providing a textual license agreement(User license Policy) because the users need to agree before complete the installation.
Proposal (Google-melange)
You could see the proposal in more detail at βProposal
Weekly reports from week one to final at Weekly reports
SVN Code
Every week you could see the code that I have committed in Setup Repository and script code in βScript Repository
This section help you to test all work that I did and some tips for documentation of how to create license file at Documentation