Opened 21 months ago

Last modified 21 months ago

#796 new defect

qgis-common.bat exit code -1073741511

Reported by: Antonio3Brandao Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: normal Component: Package
Version: Keywords: 1073741511; gdal307.dll;

Description (last modified by Antonio3Brandao)


System:Windows 10 64bit and QGIS3 using

Previous I had 3.18 installed and installed another version version 3.30 and after the problem appeared. Then I remove the 3.18 version.

Error after installing again with Express install - administrative rights: Package: Unknown package

qgis-common.bat exit code -1073741511

Running "C:\OSGeo4W\etc\postinstallqgis-common.bat"from command line produce the same error (Just to see more information): crssync.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point opj_encoder_set_extra_options could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\OSGe04W\bin\gdal307.dll.

As search the problem could be because of missing the libcurl.dll, and I have in System32 folder and SysWOW64 only the libcurl769.dll that seems to be another version, and I copy libcurl.dll from QGIS3 into both system folder and problem is the same.

I also have in "C:\OSGeo4W\var\log\Setup.log.full" the next message: Could Not Find C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\grass\*.pyc

Any help would be appreciated.

Change History (28)

comment:1 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:6 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:7 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Hello, perhaps is a problem with some Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package SideBySide error, like in "" from jphespanha, but I don't know how to trace it using the Application event log on Windows 10 or even using the app dependency walker that was mention on the ticket.

comment:8 by hellik, 21 months ago

opj_encoder_set_extra_ooptions is part of the openjpeg library.

is openjpeg installed in your OSGeo4W environment?

here it is 2.4.0-1 openjpeg (runtime and devel).

by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago


by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

comment:9 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Hello hellik, sorry about the confusing describing the problem and also the attachments.

I have to write everything all over again. I loose my comment to you when i was making attachments to the comment.

Any way.

I Have both openjpeg installed and I even downgrade the version without success.

I don't know if I still have any traces of previous installations of openjpg or previous qgis versions.

I would like to know how trace the windows PC for any previous versions like to reach the result jphespanha in the previous mention ticket above with the application event log:

"And you are right with the "SidebySide" error. I checked the application event log at the server, and spotted this message: "Activation context generation failed for "C:\OSGEO4~1\bin\SSLEAY32.dll". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis." I will try the "dependency walker", but maybe there is already sufficient info to solve the situation."

I was reading for solution and I decided to read off all qgis3, remove all Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages restart the windows PC and install all it again, and no success.

I pass the app dependency walker x64 and point me to errors on qgis_core.dll and gdal307.dll and also to different versions of dependable files I think. See attachment that I put before the comment. All are the same file. Sorry, my confusion.

And thanks for help.

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by andreaerdna, 21 months ago

Replying to Antonio3Brandao:

As previously stated, the issue is due to a missing openjp2.dll (openjpeg package) in the PATH (it should be in C:\OSGeo4W\bin\) or to having an openjp2.dll (openjpeg package) version lower than 2.4.0 in the PATH.

It seems to me the provided attached log are incorrectly created, as it is evident that the PATH is not correctly set, so crssync.exe cannot find neither QGIS_CORE.DLL nor GDAL307.DLL, so the logs are not useful.

Have you tried doing a clean install after completely deleting the C:\OSGeo4W folder or just do a clean install in a new folder different from the C:\OSGeo4W one?

Why are you using administrative rights to install QGIS? They are usually not needed.

Last edited 21 months ago by andreaerdna (previous) (diff)

comment:11 by jef, 21 months ago

Did you install 3.18 from OSGeo4W v1 or v2? And if v1, did you try an upgrade to v2? Could be that you're tried to upgrade from v1 to v2 and are now struggling with leftover from v1 installation - which is why upgrading from v1 to v2 is not supported.

As for dependency walker: you should start it form the OSGeo4W shell. Your output doesn't matches the actual PATH with which crssync invoked. Try following (likely that qgis for the same reasons).

by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Attachment: setup.log.rar added


by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Attachment: crssync_4.rar added


comment:12 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago


Hello andreaerdna, openjp2.dll is installed on the correct path. In fact there was two openjp2.dll in my PC. that's why the logs seems to be wrong.

In reference to the logs that I attach, I have to say that I had a software in my PC - XNView - that was in my windows environment with a openjp2.dll inside in the bin folder, and when QGIS install the application it uses that library in that folder instead the one on QGIS bin folder. That's why it seems that the logs were wrong. I had to read off of a second software because of another *.dll that were in conflict during installation of QGIS. After that I repair the visual c++ redistributable package 2015 and everything was good. Until the next morning after start the PC again.

See last logs in attachement.

comment:13 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Regarding the administrative rights I suppose that I should do that.

comment:14 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Regarding Jef comment, Yes, I had the version 3.18 installed for a long time and was using OSGeo4w v1. Now I have left overs. How can I read off them?

I will follow your point to better use of dependency Walker.

In the new logs Dependency walker tell me that VCRuntime140 is duplicated;


And which version of visual c++ redistributable package is necessary for last versions of QGIS?

comment:15 by jef, 21 months ago

Remove the old OSGeo4W directory (and program group) and do a fresh install.

comment:16 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

and program group???

comment:17 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

in appdata folder, everything from QGIS?

comment:18 by jef, 21 months ago

Just the directory with the shortcuts, ie. "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OSGeo4W" or "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OSGeo4W"

comment:19 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Hello, it still gives me the same error on the end of the setup.

This time I uninstall, clean all folders even the profile folder, uninstall all visual c++ packages, restart PC install all again.

When I run the qgis.bat with depends inside QGIS. See attach Log.

Does the problem has something to do about languages? Or data source encoding?

Error when using grass inside QGIS. See attach log.


by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Attachment: qgis_app20230627125330.rar added


by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago


comment:20 by jef, 21 months ago

Please move openjp2.dll and libpng16.dll from system32 and try again. QGIS should prefer openjp2.dll from OSGeo4W, but depends doesn't know that. So the currently still not what is actually used later and so the problem might still be masked.

comment:21 by Antonio3Brandao, 21 months ago

Thank you Jef, and all of you guys for the hard work, keeping the GIS open source active at high level.

I wish I know more to help. I will get there.

Appreciate the help.

Everything is very fine now.

Antonio, Portugal

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