Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#563 closed defect (fixed)

Bundle Python version is outdated in OSGeo4w package

Reported by: JLiang Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: major Component: Package
Version: Keywords: Python SSL


Please consider upgrading Python to 2.7.10 or above in OSGeo4W

Current Python version in OSGeo4W is 2.7.5 (QGIS 2.18) However, TLSv1_2 wasn't added until Python 2.7.9.

For some API provider, like Github, they started to move to supporting TLS1.2, also requires that the Client's Hello Message carries with a server name indication (SNI), otherwise server end would reject.

Also it is likely that more and more web services will switch to TLS1.2, please consider upgrading the Python version (in the bundle package) at least to 2.7.10 or even higher.

In order to verify that, try in python console: import json, urllib2; print json.load(urllib2.urlopen('​')) The situation is almost the same with Requests library.

It is not easy for Windows users workaround this SSL version problem, provided we continue using Python 2.7.5 in OSGeo4W.

Change History (4)

by JLiang, 7 years ago

Attachment: image001.png added

comment:1 by plimkilde, 7 years ago

Also, an additional problem with the old 2.7.5 version I've run into is that unit tests using the multiprocessing module may cause infinite process spawning on Windows. This should be fixed in Python 2.7.11+. (Python issue:

comment:2 by lpinner, 7 years ago

I've also found that pip installs no longer work with python 2.7.5 because of the lack of TLS1.2 support.

comment:3 by jef, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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