Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#536 closed defect (worksforme)

QGIS install with OSGeo4W issue

Reported by: Guillaume Huby Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: critical Component: Package
Version: Keywords: QGIS, QGIS-Common



I tried to update a previous QGIS install made using OSGeo4W 64bits to 2.18.9-1 release.

Yet the installer fails to complete the install of the package qgis-common with a message saying that library gdal201.dll is missing. Now QGIS fails to start with the same message.

This library is not in folder C:\OSGeo4W64\bin. In this folder, I could find gdal200.dll and gdal202.dll.

The installed release of GDAL installed with OSGeo4W is 2.2.0-6.

Could you please help finding what goes wrong? Did I miss something?

Do not hesitate to ask if further information is required to understand the issue.

Regards, Guillaume.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by jef, 8 years ago

When did you try this? The current version is 2.18.10-1.

comment:2 by Guillaume Huby, 8 years ago


It was last week. Yet I just tried with 2.18.10-1 (thanks for the update!) and had the same error.

Is there some additionnal information I can provide?


comment:3 by jef, 8 years ago

Not reproducable here. What packages are you selecting?

comment:4 by Guillaume Huby, 8 years ago

Good idea to have a look at all packages, I found a package named "Gdal201.dll" that was not selected.

I selected it and proceed to install.

I had a new error message on qgis-common package (approximate translation from french): "Entry point of procedure ?mRunningFromBuildDir21810@QgsApplication@@0_NA could not be found in library of dynamic links C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\qgis\crssync.exe".

Yet I could start QGIS but I have an error message: "Impossible to load PyQGIS [...]".

UI starts and displays "QGIS 2.18.7" instead of QGIS 2.18.10.

I selected (I list only main packages, the list is long):

  • gdal 2.2.0-6;
  • setup OSGeo4W 1.0.7-13;
  • shell OSGeo4W 1.0.1-2;
  • grass 7.2.1-1;
  • grass6 6.4.3-5;
  • qgis 2.18.10-1;
  • saga 2.1.2-2;
  • saga-ltr 2.3.2-1;
  • Many gdal packages with release 2.2.0-6;
  • Many QGIS packages with release 2.18.10-1.

Thanks for your help.

Last edited 8 years ago by Guillaume Huby (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by jef, 8 years ago

You selected all those? Selecting "qgis" should be enough.

comment:6 by Guillaume Huby, 8 years ago

I guess many came as dependencies. I use the shell and gdal for command line.

I used saga and grass for tests purposes.

comment:7 by Guillaume Huby, 8 years ago


I made a complete uninstall completed by deleting all C:\OSGeo4W64 files and deleting all downloaded package files.

I downloaded last setup file and make a new install selecting only qgis, gdal, setup and shell.

Install completed without error and QGIS seems to work fine.

Thanks for your help.

comment:8 by Guillaume Huby, 8 years ago

I would like to close issue, but I could not find the way to do it.

Can anyone do it or explain me how to do it?


in reply to:  8 comment:9 by jef, 8 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Replying to Guillaume Huby:

I would like to close issue, but I could not find the way to do it.

Can anyone do it or explain me how to do it?

Unfold "Modify ticket", in "Action" tick "resolve as" and select "worksforme" and submit. But you might not have enough privileges to do that.

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