Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#85 closed task (invalid)

Requesting svn/trac instance for ka-Map

Reported by: pagameba Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:
Cc: hobu, sbarnes, dmorissette, lorenzo@…


The ka-Map development community would like to take advantage of the OSGeo infrastructure (SVN/Trac) for hosting its code base.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 18 years ago

Cc: hobu added
Owner: changed from sac@… to warmerdam


Is there an existing bug database you need ported over? That adds some complexity and is something that currently only hobu knows how to do. Other than that, I'd be willing to handle other aspects of Trac.

I imagine the svn conversion would need to be done by hobu as well.

Hobu, do you feel so inclined? Would you prefer that Paul get Shawn or I to do the conversions?

Once you have volunteers lined up to do the work, you need to get approval from the board and then approval from SAC. I will raise the issue at tomorrows board meeting.

comment:2 by pagameba, 18 years ago


the existing bug list is not significant enough to worry about porting it over, we can manually re-create bugs as necessary. I will keep the bugzilla product on maptools for historical purposes and just close it for bug entry.

I would like, if possible, to preserve the CVS history. I can certainly abuse Shawn to get this done :) In fact, it would be good if he did this anyway as I have a bunch of internal CVS projects that I would like to eventually move to SVN too.

comment:3 by warmerdam, 18 years ago

Status: newassigned

Cool, then I can take care of all the Trac work, and Shawn can take care of the Subversion side of things. With volunteers lined up, I would imagine approval won't be that hard to get.

By the way, I think Dave was a bit surprised to see this on the board agenda. You should talk to him.

comment:4 by warmerdam, 18 years ago

Cc: sbarnes added

added shawn to cc list.

comment:5 by warmerdam, 18 years ago

Accepted by board. Motion to SAC made.

comment:6 by dmorissette, 18 years ago

Cc: dmorissette added

Sorry if I come late to the show, but who is "The ka-Map development community" and when did they make that decision? Until now I thought I was one of the ka-Map contributors, I am on the ka-Map lists and didn't see any mention of that.

How about discussing this in the open (ka-map lists) first?

What about mailing lists and website? Should they move too?

If I had been consulted I would have said that I think it is critical to maintain the bug history even if it's small... it's part of the documentation of the project. (43 open bugs and 56 closed ones)

P.S. I just read the comment saying that Dave was surprised to hear about this in the board meeting... I guess that makes two of us!

comment:7 by lorenzo@…, 18 years ago

Hi Daniel, I've just posted on ka-map-dev to explain the situation. You are right to let everybody notice we didn't made an announce in the list.

as I explain in the post, we asked for a SVN + TRACK service to start the road to ka-Map version 2 that will have strong changes from the first version, mostly on the client part. Basically we are intended to finally use OpenLayers as map render API. SVN will be very useful moving dirs and files to make our tree much cleaner.

TRACK is not critical while SVN it is to me.

can we let the SVN process go on while discussing if to use:

1) track instead of bugzilla

2) svn for version 2 only

3) svn for version 1 & 2

ciao Lorenzo

comment:8 by warmerdam, 18 years ago

From my point of view, I would prefer to hold off on any migration till the OpenLayers community has reached consensus on what they want to do. I had assumed this was already the case.

comment:9 by dmorissette, 18 years ago

Cc: lorenzo@… added

I'm not the one to decide that. If you want to start with just the SVN move then I'd suggest that you make that a proposal on the ka-map-dev list, get consensus, and come back to SAC with support from the full ka-map-dev community.

comment:10 by pagameba, 18 years ago

Thanks Frank.

comment:11 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed

I'm guessing this is deferred. Closing.

Please reopen if needed.

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