Opened 6 months ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#3172 closed task (fixed)

Move to to discourse

Reported by: jive Owned by: sac-tickets@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Sysadmin Contract 2024-II
Component: SysAdmin/Discourse Keywords:


The marketing committee has approved a motion to complete move to discourse.

The system admin committee does not have a clear wiki page I can point to describing what is involved or expected. So the following are from my notes (and may not be accurate):

  1. Setup discourse; filled with content from the mailman archive history.
  2. Associate marketing@… email address with group; this would be used for those interacting like an email list.
  3. Update wiki instructions on committee communication
  4. During transition marketing@… email list footer would provide instructions liking to wiki above
  5. After 1 month shut off mailman, collect e-mail archives that have occurred in the meantime.

Change History (15)

comment:1 by jive, 6 months ago

It is unclear to me if this will be a top-level category, or if we anticipate committees into a committee category (resulting in "" category).

comment:2 by cvvergara, 6 months ago

Categories have been created. Please do not use yet, Migration is planned at 11:00 pm UTC

comment:3 by cvvergara, 6 months ago

Migration has been done.


Please send a message to marketing along this lines

Hello All,

We decided it would be better for everyone still interested in being on this mailing list to log in or register on their own to

If you have an OSGeo account already, it is preferable to use with LDAP. You can also log in with your Github account if you have one as detailed in

welcome message.

Finally there is an option to register using your email.

See instructions here: ​

If you want an LDAP account, go to

You can email PUT NAME HERE/email to ask for the mantra code, with following

Use the email registered on the mailing list subject: "Mantra Code for Valencia mailist" Body: link to mail on the Valencia mailing list that used your email

Details of what you need to do to continue to email the mailing list is listed here:

The Valencia discourse mailing list: ​

Want to create a new topic? ​

The list of the old archives will still be kept here - ​

If you have questions feel free to ask in discourse.


comment:4 by cvvergara, 6 months ago

About the mail, this is used


Let me ask if without the discourse is possible.

comment:5 by robe, 6 months ago

I think if you set up an alias in osgeo6 marketing -> marketing@… and then on discourse set up for the receive marketing@…|marketing@… that should work.

Each discourse category can process multiple email as long as they are | separated.

We just can't do anything at because mailman has a catchall for that domain so could never be redirected to discourse, unless we can dig deeper into the guts of mailman.

comment:6 by jive, 6 months ago

Can anything be done about the text at ?

  • clear instructions on how people can sign up
  • how to treat as a mailing list
  • link to the marketing webpage and wiki

comment:7 by cvvergara, 6 months ago


Please send me the "about marketing committee". After you decide about the settings, then I can add the instructions.

comment:8 by jive, 6 months ago

I am so confused by the text, I do not know if you want me to email the mailing list. The text provided references:

If you have an OSGeo account already, it is preferable to use with LDAP. You can also log in with your Github account if you have one as detailed in welcome message.

Q: what "welcome message"? Is this a welcome message I am writing ...

Q: The links are about valencia, do you wish me to rewrite those for marketing group?

comment:9 by cvvergara, 6 months ago

Sorry for the confusion.

step 0) Send me the "About marketing committee" so that I can update the message. will add the instructions on step 2 bellow.

step 1)

Currently the setting is

"everyone": see, reply, create

But if you want, I can make:

  • "everyone": see, reply OR see OR nothing unless they are registered to marketing group.
  • "marketing": see, reply, create


  • "everyone" is any registered user in discourse, and
  • "marketing" is the marketing group.


  • Create: can create new topics within the category
  • reply: can reply but not create new topics
  • see: can read

step 2) Once you decide on that I can adjust

  • the marketing group settings
  • and the instructions

comment:10 by jive, 6 months ago

Please add committee members as moderators, and we can share guide.

  • Peter Batty
  • Nicolas Bozon
  • Astrid Emde
  • Jody Garnett
  • Peter Mooney
  • Laura Mugeha
  • Enock Seth Nyamador
  • Adam Steer
  • Guido Stein
Last edited 6 months ago by jive (previous) (diff)

comment:11 by jive, 6 months ago

For the text on which I cannot edit:

This is the home of the marketing committee communication, now provided as a discourse cateogry.

For more information on our group see OSGeo [website]( and [wiki](

**Topic Gudelines**

* This forum is open to the public, we are pleased to meet you!
* OSGeo is an outreach organization with a vision to: *empower everyone with free and open-source geospatial software*!
* We ask you to respect the [OSGeo code of conduct]( in communications on this forum. 
* Service Providers are encouraged to contact marketing when [adding a service provider]( page, and to have the page reviewed and [listed on our website]( when ready.

The logo to use is available on GitHub

comment:12 by jive, 5 months ago

Email received as marketting (two t) not marketing one t

in reply to:  12 ; comment:13 by jsanz, 5 months ago

Replying to jive:

Email received as marketting (two t) not marketing one t

The issue was only on the discourse message. The alias in the server is all fine. Emails sent to are redirected to

in reply to:  13 comment:14 by jive, 5 months ago

Replying to jsanz:

The issue was only on the discourse message. The alias in the server is all fine. Emails sent to are redirected to

Thanks - is there anything I need to do?

comment:15 by cvvergara, 4 weeks ago

Component: SysAdminSysAdmin/Discourse
Milestone: UnplannedSysadmin Contract 2024-II
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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