Opened 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#3151 new task

OSUOSL ftp mirror is running low on space, need to move some of our files

Reported by: robe Owned by: sac-tickets@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Sysadmin Contract 2024-I
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


I've been notified that we are taking up too much space on ftp osuosl mirror.

I'm planning to move some of our files out of the download/osgeo rsync folder.

The two biggest folders we have are osgeo4w and livedvd

1.4M    ./librttopo
29M     ./benchmarking
512     ./proj4j
3.6G    ./pgrouting
343G    ./qgis
158K    ./mapfish
335M    ./geos
23G     ./grass
144M    ./fusion
3.0G    ./osgeo
164K    ./.git
20G     ./ossim
192K    ./gdal-grass
20G     ./postgis
109M    ./pycsw
70M     ./liblas
8.0M    ./laszip
1.1G    ./buildkit
11M     ./plcompositor
18G     ./gvsig
5.1G    ./oskari
512     ./libnode
57G     ./proj
743M    ./mapserver
352M    ./libtiff
22G     ./mapguide
582K    ./proj4js
23M     ./libspatialindex
282M    ./geotiff
885M    ./fossgis-de-live-dvd
7.8G    ./gdal
2.5K    ./pub
6.8M    ./shapelib
5.7G    ./fdo
1.7G    ./pdal
243G    ./livedvd
983G    ./osgeo4w
1.8T    .

I'm planning to create an archive folder, separate from /download folder so it doesn't get mirrorred by osuosl. Can folks involved in osgeo4w and livedvd look at their folders and decide what is archive worthy or purge what they absolutely don't need anymore.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by robe, 13 months ago

oh didn't notice QGIS is also taking up 343G. So that is also a candidate.

I'm not sure if fdo is still active or not, I'm thinking we can move that to archive

comment:2 by jef, 13 months ago

Removed old nightlies from OSGeo4W and old weeklies from QGIS.

before after recovered
343G 279G 64G qgis
983G 228G 755G osgeo4w

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by robe, 13 months ago

Replying to jef:

Removed old nightlies from OSGeo4W and old weeklies from QGIS.

before after recovered
343G 279G 64G qgis
983G 228G 755G osgeo4w

Cool. thanks.

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