#2979 closed task (fixed)

Upgrade weblate to 5.0

Reported by: robe Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Sysadmin Contract 2023-I
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


We are currently running 4.16.4 which is two minors behind. At a glance there doesn't seem to be any breaking changes we should be concerned about.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by robe, 19 months ago

I tried upgrading to 5.0, but was taking a while, so I reverted the container to the snapshot I took before i started.

So I'm doing 4.18.2 but this seems to be taking while too. I guess I was just too impatient, seem to be quite a few structural changes.

If this succeeds maybe I'll try 5.0 tomorrow.

One feature that looks useful for 5.0 is

  1. category can now organize components within a project.

comment:2 by robe, 19 months ago

Okay 4.18.2 is taking a while too, but I think it's really just major db structural changes. Showing this at moment

docker-compose logs -f
weblate_1   |   Applying memory.0016_remove_blank... OK
weblate_1   |   Applying metrics.0014_metricfuture... OK
weblate_1   |   Applying metrics.0015_migrate_metrics...Converting metric entries, this might take long

So I guess I just got to be patient with the "this might take long"

Hopefully 5.0 upgrade should be faster, I think most of the structural change is in 4.18

Lots of stuff happened in 4.18 https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/releases/tag/weblate-4.18

    Improved API error messages on permission denied.
    Reduced false positives of the XML checks.
    Translated check accuracy has been improved.
    Extended support for Fluent file format.
    Avoiding signing-out user in some rate-limits.
    Added support for storing glossary explanation in TBX format.
    Added support for ordering strings by last update.
    Extended search capabilities for finding users.
    Support for automatic update of screenshots from a repository.
    Improved translation memory performance.
    Project stats exports to JSON/CSV now include more details; it now
    matches content available in the API.
    Added check for reused translation.
    Highlight suggested change in automatic suggestions.
    Added dark theme; browser-following and manual setting are
    The Docker container can now be used with read-only root filesystem.
    Added username autocompletion when adding users to a project.
    Added site-wide search for projects, components, languages and
    New add-on Fill read-only strings with source.

and 4.17, seems to be the rewritten metrics storage that is taking a while to migrate

    Allow to filter on language in reports.
    Dropped deprecated command cleanup_celery.
    Fixed private project visibility for some teams.
    Automatic translation now honors target state when translating from
    other components.
    Improved performance of public user profiles.
    Improved Sentry performance integration.
    Added support for Ed25519 SSH key.
    Rewritten metrics storage.
    Added support for searching strings by position.
    Documentation improvements.
    Unchanged translation check can honor untranslatable terms from
    Added automatic fixup for Devanagari danda.
    Allow downloading project translation memory per language.
    Added new alert on unused components.

comment:3 by robe, 19 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

oops I thought I was upgrading to 4.18, but I had forgotten to edit the docker-compose file to 4.18, so it upgraded to 5.0, which I guess is okay.

Going to close this out.

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