Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#2850 new task

move twitter accounts to mastodon

Reported by: astrid_emde Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


Hello Sac,

in the marketing team we discuss the transfer from the twitter accounts to mastodon.

We would like to ask you for support and recommendation. Do you have experience here already?


  • how can we move?
  • where should we move?
  • can we transfer the follower?
  • is there still a bridge to twitter?

we discuss the channels

  • osgeo
  • foss4g
  • (planetosgeo)
  • and maybe recommendations for osgeo project channels

Maybe there is already a documentation that we missed.

Before we get active we should discuss also with the board

Change History (10)

comment:1 by neteler, 2 years ago

Here some recommendations from the GRASS GIS project which already did the move (

The move is easy. First

  • register at (the likely best fitting mastodon domain. It is a request-only node, so a one-liner is needed about why OSGeo fits here - which is obvious :-) )


  • scan Twitter for followers already on mastodon using . This generates a CSV file which is then imported easily under mastodon settings.



  • add the new OSGeo mastodon URL to the Twitter profile.

Ping me for more info (I did the same for my personal profile, Happy to also do the OSGeo migration if no other SAC member volunteers.

comment:2 by jsanz, 2 years ago

I'll request a Planet OSGeo account on fosstodon to mirror the RSS feed through the Twitter account. I will also take a look to a direct posting to Mastodon in case we end up deprecating Twitter accounts completely.

Besides, I would also suggest to consider having an OSGeo Mastodon instance just for projects and OSGeo related activities (FOSS4G, committees, etc) as a mid term project.

comment:3 by jsanz, 2 years ago

Planet OSGeo account at was created and connected to Twitter, and followings were imported using the tools @neteler shared.

I've configured the bridge to only post messages from Twitter to Mastodon, without any additional settings.

I'll share the credentials to log in to Fernando Quadro, as the person in charge for the Twitter account.

Markus if you are busy I can help on setting up the main OSGeo account next week.

in reply to:  3 comment:5 by neteler, 2 years ago

Replying to jsanz:

Markus if you are busy I can help on setting up the main OSGeo account next week.

I'd need a mandate first :-)

comment:6 by astrid_emde, 2 years ago

Last edited 2 years ago by astrid_emde (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by astrid_emde, 2 years ago

Hi @jsanz. It would be great if you could help with the osgeo, foss4g, osgeolive account and move them to fosstodon.

I planned to do so, but of you are an expert now, you support would be welcome.

comment:8 by jsanz, 2 years ago

Sure please share with me privately the credentials (also phone number if configured) of those Twitter accounts and I'll create the corresponding Mastodon bot accounts on that mirror anything posted on Twitter.

comment:9 by jsanz, 2 years ago

I just noticed that, the bridge between Twitter and Mastodon for the Planet OSGeo account, stopped working on February 28th. The provider of the bridge wrote a post about their shutdown at

Since the Planet is also offered as an RSS, I'll see how to post directly to Mastodon from the website feed using their API. Not sure if we should find another service provider (like Zapier, Integromat/Make, etc.) or script something to run on the same server that hosts the planet.

I'll update the Planet wiki page with the details as I find a good (and hopefully stable) solution.

comment:10 by astrid_emde, 2 years ago

The accounts are setup by astrid

Maybe it makes sense to also move

Last edited 2 years ago by astrid_emde (previous) (diff)
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