Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2144 closed task (fixed)

redirect pages to pages

Reported by: jive Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


Change History (5)

comment:1 by jive, 6 years ago

In a similar fashion to, it would be good to have a query parameter allowing resources to be listed via a URL link.

comment:2 by jive, 6 years ago

SAC meeting notes indicate that the URL redirects can be managed in the top-level apache configuration as mod-rewrite rule.

comment:3 by jive, 6 years ago

Please see for details on obtaining the control of the DNS.

comment:4 by jds, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

all redirects implemented and tested as per request. Jason

comment:5 by jive, 6 years ago

From Suchith June 23:

Hi Jody, Vicky,

May I request you and SAC help to follow up the domain registration renewal by SAC. Please note the domain expires on 23/9/2018 and is registered under Jason Sadler's geodata account with namesco (uk). See trac tickets updates for details

Please contact Jason Sadler (cc in) (email on jds@… or skype id jds88y) to get this renewed and transferred to OSGeo. We need to setup process to get it renewed every year for the long term. You can use the GeoForAll budget for getting the domain name renewal .Thank you for your help.

Best wishes,


From Suchith July 4:

Hi Vicky, Jody,

May I request you to contact Jason and arrange migrate GeoForAll DNS details to OSGeo and renewed . I know that many will be on holidays from later this month , so please do this now . Many Thanks.

Best wishes,


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