Opened 7 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
#2061 closed task (fixed)
Migrate GeoForAll DNS
Reported by: | wildintellect | Owned by: | robe |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | SysAdmin/DNS | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Jeff McKenna |
Description ¶
Can't find a ticket. From email Nov 7 2017 "2. GeoForAll Domain
As you all know Jason has kindly developed our GeoForAll website and arranged the domain name for us till now. I am very grateful to Jason and all colleagues at University of Southampton for their help and support of our website from the start.
I have emailed Jason (cced Jody ) that from next year, we will arrange the domain name renewal to be taken up by the OSGeo web team so we can ensure longterm continuity . I am happy to pay for the geoforall domain renewal costs and I want the domain name donated to the OSGeo Foundation. That will ensure OSGeo will always have full ownership of the geoforall domain name. I request Jody and OSGeo web team to let me know the best way to arrange this. It needs to have along term plan and someone in OSGeo webteam to get things like domain renewal done.
Jody/Jeffrey - Could you please provide us with advise how to follow up on this ? Can you please ensure that when the new OSGeo website is ready, the GeoForAll page is redirected correctly .
Jason - could you please let us know when is the renewal date next ? Thanks. " jds@…
Change History (20)
comment:1 by , 7 years ago
comment:3 by , 7 years ago
Cc: | added |
comment:4 by , 7 years ago
related email thread:
comment:6 by , 7 years ago
Component: | Systems Admin → DNS |
comment:8 by , 7 years ago
Please could whoever wishes to work with me on transferring the domain contact me directly by email on jds@… or skype id jds88y
The domain expires on 23/9/2018 and is registered under my geodata account with namesco (uk).
The options are for you to submit a transfer request which I would accept, or for me to transfer the domain to a new namesco account and hand over the login details so that you could renew or transfer from there.
Best, Jason
comment:9 by , 7 years ago
From Suchith June 23:
Hi Jody, Vicky,
May I request you and SAC help to follow up the domain registration renewal by SAC. Please note the domain expires on 23/9/2018 and is registered under Jason Sadler's geodata account with namesco (uk). See trac tickets updates for details
Please contact Jason Sadler (cc in) (email on jds@… or skype id jds88y) to get this renewed and transferred to OSGeo. We need to setup process to get it renewed every year for the long term. You can use the GeoForAll budget for getting the domain name renewal .Thank you for your help.
Best wishes,
From Suchith July 4:
Hi Vicky, Jody,
May I request you to contact Jason and arrange migrate GeoForAll DNS details to OSGeo and renewed . I know that many will be on holidays from later this month , so please do this now . Many Thanks.
Best wishes,
comment:10 by , 7 years ago
I'll contact you via skype and email to get the ball rolling.
Expect email from lr at pcorp dot us
comment:13 by , 7 years ago
In a skype chat with Jason. We concluded it was easier for him to transfer to a new account because otherwise he has to pay for the transfer.
So, I now have a account under my email address with in it. However it doesn't look like the transfer to this account is completed. Once it is I'll transfer it over to Pair.
As far as billing logistics, not sure the best way to deal with that. I can pay the £10+vat with my own credit card and someone buys me a coffee or something (or we ignore cause it's chump change), or OSGeo treasurer logs in pays the cost for transfer.
comment:14 by , 7 years ago
Update Mike Smith initiated the transfer but there was some sort of additional verification that says they need to do. So guess we just wait now to get the transfer code before we can move on to finish Pair receiving the domain. I copied the dns entries in case they get lost during the transition.
comment:15 by , 7 years ago
Got the transfer code and started the receive process on Pair Networks (for 5 years registration) , it's pending on Pair now. As soon as it's complete I'll verify the DNS records are all right and will correct if not.
comment:16 by , 7 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
comment:17 by , 7 years ago
Suchith mentioned there is also a domain under Jason's control. I've asked Jason by skype and email for that as well. Will update for details. I'll wait on transfering that over to Pair once the is completely transfered.
Right now is still showing as pending on Pair. These things often take days and sometimes weeks even after the transfer code has be put in place.
comment:18 by , 7 years ago
Just got notice that the has completed and is renewed till 2023.
I moved the DNS over to Pair.
The old DNS had
A www CNAME MX: 30 30 30
The old A and WWW just looked like they were redirecting to
so I replaced both with a Pair Forward to -
The MX I wasn't sure if it's used or not or if those are just generic MX puts in, do geoforall folks get mail at the geoforall domain?
comment:19 by , 7 years ago has been transffered as well to OSGeo Pair account and renewed for 5 years. I'll close this ticket when it's status shows completed (right now Pending).
comment:20 by , 7 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed | just completed transfer to OSGeo Pair account.
I have redirected all * to -
Feel free to reopen this ticket if you need any changes to the above.
Current content of is:
Either a redirect or wiki page with link to should be put in place.