Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#2018 closed defect (fixed)

Entry for SDE instance not found in services file

Reported by: tmelhuish@… Owned by: hobu
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Input - Native SDE Support Version: 4.10
Severity: normal Keywords:


I’m getting the following error when trying to connect to SDE from mapserver:

Error in msSDELayerOpen():SE_connection_create(): Entry for SDE instance not
found in services file. (-102)

I have read the documentation and search the web to try to figure out the
problem. Here is my configuration.

SDE 91 is running with Microsoft SQL on XP (IP address
Mapserver 4.10.0 is running on Redhhat 9.0 ( I’m able to read a DB table from
Postgis and display fine)

Services file on Microsoft server under c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services
( last entries)
directplaysrvr  		47624/udp            #Direct Play Server
esri_sde_johnston_vector	5151/tcp		#ArcSDE for SqlServer
esri_sde_johnston_raster	5152/tcp		#ArcSDE for SqlServer
esri_sde_test_db		5153/tcp		#ArcSDE for SqlServer

The database is called “test_db” and the table is “test_db_owner.CITY_LIMITS”
that I’m trying to read

Here is the layer in the mapfile:

    NAME         citylimits
    TYPE         POLYGON
       STATUS ON
    CONNECTION ",esri_sde_test_db,test_db,webusr,xxx"
    DATA "test_db.test_db_owner.CITY_LIMITS,SHAPE,SDE.DEFAULT"
    TEMPLATE "templateMS.html"
      NAME "City Limits"
         OUTLINECOLOR 225 90 180

Please let me know if you need any further information
Thanks for your help,

Change History (3)

comment:1 by hobu, 17 years ago

try connecting directly to the port
port:5153 instead of esri_sde_test_db

comment:2 by tmelhuish@…, 17 years ago

Thanks, I got farther by putting in the port:5153 and changing the IP address to
the actual server name. The IP address doesn't work for some reason. Now I get
the following error:

Error in msSDELayerOpen():SE_connection_create(): Bad login user. (-9)

I can connect to Microsoft SQL with this user & password. Is their a place I
need to give this user & password permission to connect to SDE? I can ask the
SDE admin in the morning since I'm not familiar with SDE.


comment:3 by tmelhuish@…, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
I resolved the user id and it's now working. Thanks for your help.
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