Project Steering Committee - Home
Meeting Info ¶
The twelth meeting of the MapGuide PSC will take place Thursday Septermber 6th at 18:00 UTC (1:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM MT / 10:00 AM PT).
Meeting Chair: Bob Bray
Universal Time:
Location: The meeting will be held on IRC at #mapguide
Agenda ¶
- Open
Actions ¶
- PSC will meet face-2-face at FOSS4G, Bob to create an Agenda page.
- Roadmap to be updated for 2.0, target Alpha for end of Oct.
Transcript ¶
<rbray> Bruce will be absent today he is on vacation. Tom will most likely be late -->| danmo ( has joined #mapguide <jasonbirch> I'm here. <jasonbirch> Fire alarm - test only :) <rbray> Hey looks like you and me. <jasonbirch> HarisK you around? <Andy_Morsell> I'm here as well * danmo lurking <HarisK> Hi <jasonbirch> That's enough for a vote :) <rbray> OK, so we have Harris, Jason, Andy, and myself. Bruce is on vacation, Tom is in a meeting. <jasonbirch> As is Paul <rbray> No he will be late too. <rbray> Any agenda items? I did not have any for today. <madair> lurking for Paul <jasonbirch> Maybe talk a bit about roadmap, putting more realistic dates to it <jasonbirch> Also, f2f at FOSS4g? <rbray> Let's start with the later. Who will be as FOSS4G? <Andy_Morsell> I will be there. Sunday night through Thursday afternoon. <jasonbirch> Me! <rbray> I will be there everyday except Wednesday (don't ask). <rbray> I have to check with Tom and Bruce, I think Bruce can be there but I bet Tom cannot. <rbray> Nathalie has planned a BOF and given most of us are there a F2F meeting of the PSC would be good. <rbray> We should start a wiki page agenda for that soon. <jasonbirch> After? <jasonbirch> At a pub? <jasonbirch> :) <rbray> Definitely. <rbray> I'll buy! <HarisK> I am there at saturday <jasonbirch> I'll _really_ be there then. :) <rbray> Jason when you say after, do you mean one evening or Thursday evening? <Andy_Morsell> I could do that Monday night, my girlfriend arrives on Tuesday so will be with her that evening. Weds is the banquet night. <rbray> I kind of like Monday night. <jasonbirch> Isn't there a mixer at the Strathcona that night? <jasonbirch> Not that it really matters... <jasonbirch> Monday works OK for me. <rbray> OK. I will start an agenda page on the wiki. <jasonbirch> Cool. <rbray> Feel free to add to it once it is up. <jasonbirch> I'm sure we'll be talking about the REST stuff by then :) <rbray> hope so. <rbray> Let's talk Roadmap. <Andy_Morsell> I see that the BOF for MGOS is Tues from 4:45 to 7:00 <jasonbirch> K. <jasonbirch> That's right. <rbray> Yes the BOF is Tuesday night, and I will miss it. I have to be on a plane. <Andy_Morsell> Nothing like being double-booked..... bummer. <rbray> Yea <jasonbirch> That's OK, Nathalie can do all the talking :) <rbray> So when can we realistically release a 2.0 beta 1? <rbray> And what will be in it, besides Fusion? <rbray> I personally still like late October. <rbray> I know we can have the ISAPI and the Apache mod in by then. <rbray> And Fusion should be code complete. <pagameba> hi all <rbray> Hey Paul. <jasonbirch> Cool. Maybe an alpha? :) <jasonbirch> It would be nice to get automated builds running. Maybe I'll bug Mat again at the conference and see if his head is still exploding. <rbray> Paul: We decided to have a F2F at FOSS on Monday night (I am buying). <pagameba> Hi Bob <pagameba> F2F? <jasonbirch> face to face :) <pagameba> ah * pagameba catches up <Andy_Morsell> Don't all of the current RFC's (including the FastCGI one) target 1.3? Those should be updated if there's not going to be another point release. <jasonbirch> Yes... <rbray> Yes, we'll do that. <jasonbirch> Last meeting I think we decided on 2.0 instead of 1.3 <rbray> Yep <jasonbirch> I'm guessing that none of the defects (including those applied to 1.2) are critical enough for a 1.2.1? <rbray> I like the alpha idea. Especially with all the new stuff. <HarisK> Is ISAPi extension and Apache mod already in progress ? <jasonbirch> Yes. <jasonbirch> What' you're not subscribed to the commits list? :) <rbray> We may need a 1.2.1 if we get some high priority bugs. <HarisK> I missed that, I would check it <rbray> But i would like to reserve judgement on 1.2.1 until a reason comes up. <jasonbirch> HarisK: <jasonbirch> Also for fdo <jasonbirch> in <HarisK> was there rfc about ISAPI extension ? <pagameba> <pagameba> ? <pagameba> HarisK, you voted +1 :) <jasonbirch> rbray: OK. I saw a note on the users list from a person that couldn't deploy 1.2 because of an outstanding defect. <jasonbirch> lol <HarisK> yes, sorry I forgot about that <rbray> I did not see that e-mail. Guess we should think about a 1.2.1 then. <HarisK> It looks like I developed second extension :) * pagameba wonders if we should update the status of some RFCs, or add another column to indicate if it was implemented and in which version <rbray> HarisK: Can we merge them? <jasonbirch> That would be cool... <jasonbirch> to both pagameba and rbray <HarisK> I need to look how is implemented <HarisK> I would certainly like to <rbray> Paul: Sounds like you have volunteered to update the RFC page :) <pagameba> argh <HarisK> so it is in svn now ? <rbray> Yes I believe so. <jasonbirch> <HarisK> thanks, sorry for interuptions <jasonbirch> <jasonbirch> doh: <jasonbirch> Huh. Wonder if we could get that REST stuff into 2.0 :) <rbray> Depends when it will be done and when we want to release. <HarisK> I now remebber looking into this code <HarisK> basically what I diid supoprts all of that + http-live connection + working threads pool + json <HarisK> anyhow, it is compatible <jasonbirch> Are you sure that live connections is a good idea? <CIA-25> MapGuide: stevedang * r1974 /trunk/MgDev/Oem/dbxml-2.3.10/ (15063 files in 887 dirs): <CIA-25> MapGuide: MapGuide RFC 23: Berkeley DB XML 2.3 Upgrade. <CIA-25> MapGuide: - Check in source code. <rbray> yes the DBXML upgrade is also part of 2.0. <jasonbirch> I'm thinking about scale rather than individual user responsiveness. <jasonbirch> Heh :) <jasonbirch> CIA knows when to pipe up :) * pagameba has updated <pagameba> RFC 20 is out of date <jasonbirch> IS Rfc20 dead in the water because of the requirement to re-associate a session with a different user? <rbray> Not sure. I'll have to check on it here. <rbray> This is also in: <pagameba> I like the concept but embedding the user id in the session won't work <jasonbirch> No <jasonbirch> You need a way of polling the session for its userid. <rbray> Assuming 26 gets approved. <jasonbirch> Didn't we vote on that already? <rbray> If so the page is out of date. <pagameba> Bob asked earlier if there was a target date for 2.0? <jasonbirch> Yes he did <pagameba> I think mid/end October for a alpha/beta would be good <pagameba> but I don't know what we can complete by then <pagameba> by we, I mean ADSK :) <rbray> I am leaning toward Alpha at the end of Oct. <jasonbirch> I dropped the ball on 26; I started the motion but did not say it passed or update the page. <rbray> I'll talk to Trevor about RFC 20. It is interesting. <rbray> And the outlined approach is not good. <rbray> So Harris, when do you think the REST stuff might be completed? <HarisK> whatever I will say I will lie <rbray> Ha <HarisK> my plans are for end of year <HarisK> that will included FDO Rest as well <rbray> OK, then maybe that is a 2.1 feature unless it magically gets done before the first RC <pagameba> HarisK: have you looked at FeatureServer? <rbray> FDO rest? <HarisK> yes but not very much ( python ) <pagameba> <HarisK> yes I have protoype of FDO rest also <jasonbirch> FeatureServer follows a great model. <rbray> Yes. Wouldnt that be exposign FeatureService and hence FDO, but through MG? <jasonbirch> I've been meaning to help Crschmidt hack FDO support into it. <pagameba> if you do FDO rest along the same lines then the same clients can use it <HarisK> I kind of like to put fdo web service on it own <jasonbirch> Might get together at foss4g. <rbray> Then you lose some stuff, like connection pooling, and other things MG adds. <rbray> Joins. <HarisK> idea is to have also fdo rest fdo provider :) <rbray> Extended expression support, and more. <HarisK> yes, my opinion is that part should go from mapGuide <HarisK> to FDO middle tier <rbray> I guess I am confused. We need a whiteboard. <HarisK> so any client can benefit from things like FDO caching <jasonbirch> Oh, move FeatureService outside of MapGuide... <HarisK> caching , logging, spatial security to FDO middle tier <rbray> Hmm, Feature Service depends on Resource Servive. <rbray> HarisK: MG does a bunch of that. Why pull it out? <rbray> Why not extend what is there? <jasonbirch> So you don't have to install MapGuide to expose your features. <HarisK> I think fdo HAVE A FEATURE NOT JUST WITH mAPgUIDE <jasonbirch> Oops :) <HarisK> sorry my caps lock <HarisK> what I mean is that fdo can be used with other applications as well <HarisK> and have caching, joins, secutiy... <rbray> Difference of opinion here I think. You can use Feature Service without using any other features of MG <HarisK> I suppose for example that Autodesk MAp and Mapguide both imlements it's own fdo connecton caching <rbray> And you get the benefits of pooling, joins, etc. <rbray> While reusing the server infrastructure. <jasonbirch> I'm not sure that I would want an entire MapGuide install on my feature serving servers... <rbray> This sounds like a good discussion for the F2F. I am not against it, jus trying to understand. <HarisK> I see FDO as spatial data service and MapGuide as stylization service <jasonbirch> Ohhh. GIS service too HarisK <rbray> OK, I see things differently. <rbray> For me, MapGuide is a geospatial server that exposes a number of different services. <HarisK> this are just my preliminary thoughts, lot of work to be done to get some protoypes and feeling how it works <rbray> including spatial data, stylization, and content management. <rbray> Let's continue this at the F2F. <jasonbirch> Sounds good... <HarisK> ok <rbray> I'll try and get the Roadmap page in Trac updated. <rbray> Other topics for today? <rbray> Silence, means we are done. When should we meet again? At FOSS? <jasonbirch> Not from me. I would like to ensure that we can meet like this on a regular basis though... if only to talk. <jasonbirch> Yes, FOSS next. <rbray> ok, let's adjourn then. <rbray> Thanks everyone! <HarisK> thanks <jasonbirch> bye! <HarisK> bye
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